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实际上,埃拉特·玛扎尔就是这种对抗的始作俑者。Eilat Mazar is one of the reasons why.

“碳-14技术无法帮助你解决所有的争论,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说。"Carbon-14 doesn't help you solve all this controversy, " says Eilat Mazar.

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“如果你想引起他人的关注,就去学学芬克尔斯坦的举止吧,绝对管用,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说。"If you want to attract attention, you behave like Finkelstein, " says Eilat Mazar.

一名巴勒斯坦人弹袭击了红海的以色列度假胜地埃拉特。Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the Israeli resort of Eilat on the Red Sea.

一名巴勒斯坦人体炸弹袭击了以色列红海岸的旅游城市埃拉特。Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the Israeli resort of Eilat on the Red Sea.

“这等于是宣告了芬克尔斯坦学派的末日来临,”埃拉特·玛扎尔说,口气中带着明显的满足感。As Eilat Mazar says with palpable satisfaction, "This is the end of Finkelstein's school."

埃列特警察局长布鲁诺。斯坦因说警方相信城市里还有更多的袭击者。Eilat police chief Bruno Stein said the police believed there could be more bombers in the city.

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埃列特辖区警察局加强了城市安全保卫工作,并开始着手调查。Eilat District Police has intensified its security presence in the city and is carrying out an investigation.

以方随即开展大规模搜捕行动,他们封闭了多条道路,要求游客不要前往埃拉特附近的红海休闲度假区。Roads were closed as a major manhunt got under way and tourists were advised to avoid the nearby Red Sea resort of Eilat.

以色列红海沿岸旅游城市埃拉特当地时间11月21日遭到大规模蝗虫侵袭,大片的庄稼和树木被蝗虫吞噬一空。Millions of locusts swarmed through Israel's Red Sea resort town of Eilat on Sunday, devouring crops and flowers in the country's south.

在距离埃拉特军事靶场不远处进行的爆炸试验使用了102吨炸药,引发了2.7级地震。Eilat in the military shooting range not far from the explosion tests carried out using 102 tons of explosives, causing a 2.7 magnitude earthquake.

埃拉特此前遭受过袭击,导致以色列在18个月前同意在边境的两处地方修建安全墙。Eilat has been the scene of previous attacks, leading Israel to approve the construction of a security fence along two sections of the border 18 months ago.

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以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特沿岸的珊瑚群在繁盛时期曾经是潜水爱好者们热衷的地方,他们被这片世界上最壮观、最千姿百态的珊瑚礁所吸引。In their heyday, the corals along the shores of the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most spectacular and biologically diverse reefs in the world.