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路加就是一个坚守者。Luke was a stander.

卢克是一个又高又大的人。Luke is a large man.

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他选择了路加福音。He took the Gospel of Luke.

路克和凯特正在看电视。Luke and Kate are watching TV.

卡梅隆向侄子卢克吼道。Cam shouted to his nephew, Luke.

卢克有易激动的性格。Luke has a very excitable nature.

路加发表了保罗的福音“Or Luke published Paul's gospel."

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卢克,那力量跟我身上的一样强大。A strength as great as mine, Luke.

卢克给全家照了张相片。Luke took a picture of his family.

而这句话在路加福音中是找不到的。That saying is never found in Luke.

他为何会选择路加福音?Why did he take the Gospel of Luke?

路加福音与使徒行传都有记载。It's in the Gospel of Luke and Acts.

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上回路加福音结尾是这样的。Last time in Luke it ended this way.

卢克大声嚼着鸡肉三明治。Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.

还有路加福音。So the ten letters of Paul,and Luke.

而路加在他的福音里记载了这点。And Luke recorded that in his gospel.

我从未想过卢克会报复哈鲁。I never expected Luke avenged Harlow.

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鲁克的汉语说得很流利。Luke can speak Chinese very fluently.

路加福音对于律法有很不同的观点。Luke has a different view of the law.

卢克把衣服脱在地板上。Luke shed his clothes onto the floor.