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找到你的路。Finding your path.

祝您好运找到它!Good luck finding it!

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也是个生动的发现And it's a robust finding.

在衣物烘干机中找到钱。Finding cash in the dryer.

我们在哪里找到缺陷?Where am I finding defects?

吸入你的圣洁丰富,发现唯你是生命。Finding all my life in Thee.

你们办公室真是难找。Finding your office isnt easy.

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该发现令医生感到惊讶。The finding impressed doctors.

她不费事地找到了一份工作。She had no trouble finding a job.

你为什么总是挑毛病?。Why are you always finding fault?

于国外,现在沙画在中国安家落户。Now it is finding a home in China.

他们热衷于发现新食谱,They love finding out new recipes,

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找到他是反恐组的首要任务。Finding him is their first mission.

他总是对我百般挑剔。He is always finding fault with me.

价值发现——要么等更大的傻瓜Finding value -- or the greater fool

我对再找到他已丧失信心。I despair of ever finding him again.

凭幸运发现那本珍贵的书。Lucked out in finding that rare book.

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或者你正打算找一个?Or are you contemplating finding one?

他们没费多大劲就找到了盘子。They had no difficulty in finding it.

但是有时间可不容易。But the hard part is finding the time.