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雅典卫城的缩写,是一种民主的象征。The Acropolis is the focal point of Athens.

卫城的顶端是怕台农神庙。On the top of the Acropolis is the Parthenon.

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我很高兴。很快我们就可以见到雅典卫城了!I'm very glad. We'll see the Acropolis in Athens soon!

利亚比斯星期一参观了新建的卫城博物馆。Liapis visited the site of the new Acropolis Museum Monday.

届时每个人都可以去卫城来进行防御Everybody who could ran up to the acropolis to defend themselves.

表现雅典卫城内部和它的雅典娜雕像。Rendering of the inside of the Acropolis and it's statue of Athena.

红牛斯柯达车队的小赫尔曼·加斯纳则是雅典卫城拉力赛的新手。Red Bull Skoda driver Hermann Gassner Jr is an Acropolis Rally novice.

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它是否曾是精灵一组的卫城,见证精灵一族的繁华与逝去?Did it use to be acropolis of the spirit and its prosperity and decline?

他不惜成本,斥下巨资制作阿克罗波利斯。He spared no expense when he constructed the buildings of the Acropolis.

在里面过去曾有一座指挥女神雅典娜的巨大镶金象牙雕象。On the Acropolis they began to build temples for their gods and goddesses.

如果你在卫城的范围以外造了间房子,那它是没有防御能力的If you had a house outside the acropolis as you would, it was not defended.

在大多数游览的第一站是在雅典卫城帕特农神庙山。The first stop on most excursions is the Parthenon on the hill of the Acropolis.

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一些建筑物如卫城内的巴台农神庙都是这个时期建造的。Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period.

在雅典的卫城山的帕台农神庙上,烟火正在爆发。Fireworks burst over the ancient temple of Parthenon at the Acropolis hill in Athens.

在博物馆室外咖啡厅休息一下,然后我们向卫城前行。Take a break at the museum's nice outdoor cafe before you trek up the Acropolis hill.

奖牌背面为雅典卫城遗址,印有希腊文“1896年雅典国际奥林匹克运动会”字样。" Medal back to the Acropolis site, bearing the Greek "Athens 1896 Olympic Games" word.

卫城下方有一座由古罗马人增建、保存良好的希腊神殿。At the foot of the acropolis there is a well-preserved Greek temple with Roman additions.

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狄奥尼索斯剧场是雅典卫城的一部分,位于它的西南侧。The theatre of dionyssos part of the acropolis theatre is located in its southwest side,.

圣保罗曾在雅典卫城附近的山上为早期希腊基督教徒布道。The hill where St. Paul addressed early Christian Athenians is located near the Acropolis.

古迹是古代雅典城最明显的标志,其中最著名的是雅典卫城。Ruins are the most obvious sign of ancient Athens, and the most famous of these is the Acropolis.