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这个责任我还背得起。I presume I am up to this job.

我相信你们都看到了。I presume you have all seen it.

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不过有人推测是古代突厥人的遗作。But some presume they were made by Turks.

大法师泽希尔,哥德里克领主,我说得对吗?Archmage Zehir and Lord Godric, I presume?

因你到我舍下,我不敢当。Therefore I did not presume to come to you.

我假定你们中没有人有那个信念。I presume that none of you have that belief.

我猜想,这是您头一次参观这个交易会。This is your first visit to the Fair, I presume.

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韩佳,我看这里一定是野鸭湖吧。Han Jia, I presume this must be the Wild Duck Lake.

真正的猛男,敢于直视惨淡的人生。Real macho man presume orthoptic miserably thin life.

你决不应该滥用人家的好心肠。You should never presume upon a person 's good nature.

嗨,你以为这里真的是一户人家啊?Hey, you presume there is a real Xibe family living here?

我猜,这位就是你那大名鼎鼎的朋友歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生吧?This I presume is your celebrated friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?

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我们不应过分指望/相信这类消息来源的可靠性。We must not presume too mush on the reliability of such sources.

即便如此,请注意我假设Ivan,Ilyich设有遗嘱。Now, for all that, notice, I presume that Ivan Ilyich had a will.

他竟信赖一个相识没多久的人,真是愚蠢。It was stupid of him to presume on an all too brief acquaintance.

你不应该过分指望这类消息来源的可靠性。You must not presume too much on the reliability of such sources.

我的课程并不需要你们有什么专业性的知识储备。My lectures are going to presume no special knowledge on your part.

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我们猜测可能是你们的发货部发错货了。We presume a mistake was made probably in your dispatch department.

柯林博士指出,“医生们也许在想,‘我是谁呀,我为什么要自作主张地知道我的病人需要什么?’”Doctors may think, ‘Who am I to presume to know what my patients need?

这样的话,我假定你可以从被禁止的答案中选择一个作为答案,又如何?I presume then that you are going to make one of the interdicted answers?