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不要让他感到他在工作上是无能之辈。Don't make him feel impotent about work.

我知道我们没有机会了,无力感席卷了我们。I knew we had no chance. We felt impotent.

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阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy.

这个男孩非常无能,连一件简单的工作也做不好。The boy is so impotent that he can't do a simple job well.

几个世纪以来,药品,是无能为力的,因此不成问题。For centuries, medicine was impotent and hence unproblematic.

为了成功,一个央行不能像笨蛋或者无能者一样。To succeed, a central bank cannot look either klutzy or impotent.

他一见了当官的有钱的,立即性无能。With anyone rich and mighty present he goes impotent immediately.

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神经症中则以焦虑性神经症最易引起阳痿。In neurosis cause the most easily with angst sex neurosis impotent.

暴徒的侵犯令人们感到痛心、愤怒却又无能为力。The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.

一种阻止糖基化过程的药物理论上可以使AIDS病毒失效。A drug blocking glycosylation could theoretically make AIDS viruses impotent.

可以肯定的是,关于财政政策是无能的观点从未完全消失过。To be sure, the idea that fiscal policy was impotent never entirely disappeared.

形态是分析和研究面状地图表象的重要标志之一。Shape is one of the impotent marks for indentifying and studying obkctive things.

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尽管这场战役看起来那么脆弱,那么弱小,那么让人觉得无助,但是中国仍然赢得了伟大的和平奖。It was seen as infirm, feeble and impotent. China also won the great prize of peace.

政府现在只能做些疲软的动作,岗位补贴计划就是其中之一。The government is reduced to impotent gestures, of which the job-subsidy plan is one.

柴达木盆地形成于中新生代,是我国西北地区主要的含油气盆地之一。Qaidamu basin is one of the most impotent oil and gas bearing basins in China northwestward.

即便在意识感性自觉有力时,人的潜意识心理仍能准确地舆解。The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.

如果阳萎的男性定期在睡前食用二大匙蜂蜜,他们的问题就可解决。If impotent men regularly take two tablespoons of honey before going to bed, their problem can be resolved.

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休戈德利大约在他出生之时就与威恩的母亲分居,是一个一无是处的反犹太酒鬼。Hugh separated from Wynne's mother about the time he was born, and was impotent , anti-Semitic and alcoholic.

尤其是当美国联邦储备系统表现出一种虚弱无力的时候,他看到了另一场量化宽松所引发的飓风。In particular, he sees another flurry of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve as being "impotent."

他们看奥巴马,赖斯,拜登,克里,克林顿,佩洛西,里德和图,我们是一个无能的国家被白痴领导着。They look at Obama, Rice, Biden, Kerry, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid and figure we are an impotent nation led by idiots.