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对此,李文却从不在意。In this regard, Levin never care.

简娜·列文是这些黑洞搜寻者中的一员。One black hole hunter is Janna Levin.

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每个人都非常喜欢我的朋友李文。Everybody likes my friend levin very much.

莱文表示要让这一长期目标最终实现。Make that very long-range vision, says Levin.

布鲁克莱文主管着宾夕法尼亚州布鲁莫尔的一所幼稚园。Brook Levin heads a preschool in Broomall, Pennsylvania.

接着,菲利斯·李·莱文问我是否看过这部电影。And then Phyllis Lee Levin asked me if I had seen the movie.

塞林的妈妈莱文·文森特独自在家里照顾她。Selin's mother Levin Vincent alone in the house to take care of her.

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密西根州的民主党参议员莱文也接受了“面向全国”的电视采访。Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan also spoke on Face The Nation.

总的来说,时代华纳公司的15位董事是支持莱文和公司的经营策略的。The 15-member Time Warner board is generally supportive of Levin and his corporate strategy.

玩游戏也能玩出大名堂,就像显微镜的发明者列文。胡克一样。Playing games can lead people to achievements, like Levin and Huke , the inventors of microscope.

凯文莱文是在夏洛茨维尔,弗吉尼亚州,历史老师谁写的博客内战记忆。Kevin Levin is a history teacher in Charlottesville, Virginia, who writes the blog Civil War Memory.

莱文还是知名博客“内战记忆”的博主。A history teacher in Charlottesville, Virginia, Levin also maintains the popular blog, Civil War Memory.

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圣路易市的华盛顿大学的凯伦.拉汶.科本也提醒父母应该分析手机谈话内容。Parents should analyze the content of calls, said Karen Levin Coburn of Washington University in St. Louis.

莱文说,参议院军事委员会还于6月17日和9月25日举行了两次公开听证会。Public hearings were held by the Armed Services Committee on June 17 and again on September 25, Levin said.

当莱文去向政府申请为塞林提供更多的医疗服务时,她被拒绝了。When the whereabouts of the Government for Levin to provide more medical services Sellin, she was rejected.

类似地,如果我选了中,然后校长里克·列文走过来问我,为何你选择中Similarly, if I had chosen Middle and President Levin comes along to me and says "why did you choose Middle?"

苏珊·默里在布朗克斯的乔纳森·雷文中学接手一个班之前只上了一节心理学课程。Susan Murray sat through a single psychology course before taking over a class at Jonathan Levin High School in the Bronx.

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可以由医生来用石灰水洗胃。通过电闪管时必须十分小心。Gastric lavage with lime water maybe performed by a physician. Extreme caution must be observed when passing the Levin tube.

莱文在书的前言中提出一个反事实的历史,一个有包括美国在内的国际联盟的历史。In the preface to her book, Levin suggests a counterfactual history, a history with a League of Nations that included the United States.

列文表示,美国纳税者不停地给那些伊拉克有充分能力自给的项目提供资金是不可宽赦的。Levin says it is inexcusable that U.S. taxpayers are continuing to pay for projects that Iraqis are fully capable of funding themselves.