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这些墙布满了青苔,极其黏滑。The walls were all slimy and green.

或者潜行于海里的都有一颗脑袋…Or slinks through slimy seas has a brain.

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鼻屎可以是湿软的,也可以是粘滑的,或者硬邦邦的。Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough.

该城到处都是又厚又黏的泥。The town was deluged with thick slimy mud.

蛇真的是种被误解的动物。Snakes are misunderstood. They're not slimy.

她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服。She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes.

他正在找一些东西吃,一些美味的、黏滑的东西。He was looking for something to eat—something tasty, something slimy.

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只不过,我是分为“输家寡人”,“过气明星”,“愚不可及”和“无耻浑蛋”四类。Only I divided mine into Losers, Flameouts, Morons and Slimy Bastards.

“不,父王”小公主回答,“是一只可怕而且丑陋的青蛙。"No, Father, " the Princess replied, "It's only a horrible, slimy frog.

那天又黑又冷,墙上仿佛还覆盖着一层粘粘的胶状薄膜。It was cold and dark, and the walls were covered in a gooey, slimy film.

蛆给人的感觉总是很恶心,但是它们却可以用来救人。They're creepy, slimy and altogether ooky, but maggots can save your life.

它的灵魂是如此复杂以至于无法调整它自身于我们社会组织的黏滑的纬线中。Its soul is too complex to adjust itself to the slimy woof of our social fabric.

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大多数外国人都对粘滑的海产品感到恐惧--例如海蜇、海参等。Most of you are rather intimidated by slimy sea things--jelly fish, sea cucumbers.

有狂野的嗥叫像不祥的残阳击穿粘稠肃穆的永恒。A savage howl, like an ominous setting sun, punctured immortality so slimy and solemn.

尽管牡蛎质地油腻,但他可能是最知名的壮阳药。Despite their slippery and slimy texture, oysters may be the most well-known aphrodisiac.

泳池的水应该清澈,不能浑浊,表面不能滑腻或者黏糊糊。The pool water should be clear, not cloudy and the tiles should not be slippery or slimy.

一口封口的油井旁是一塘脏水黏糊糊,显示剩馀的石油被抛弃了。A pool of slimy water beside one of the capped wells shows where the surplus oil was dumped.

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因此如果真正的解剖太粘糊糊的话,那么是时候该试试一些蛤蟆科技了。So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.

沼泽上的鹰隼低低地飞翔在草地上,已经在寻觅那初醒的脆弱的生物了。The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life and awakes.

他补充说狗的胃“吃起来有点太黏”,但他最喜欢狗肉汤了。He adds that dog’s stomach is “a bit too slimy for his taste” but that dog soup was his favorite.