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这些黄铜器要擦一擦。The brasses need to be cleaned.

小喇叭和号角都是铜管乐器。Trumpets and horns are brasses.

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如每人都出一份钱的话,我们很快就会够的。If everyone brasses up, we will soon have enough.

马身上的黄铜配件主要是用来装饰。The horse brasses are used mainly for decoration.

铜管奏响时,发生了什么Okay. So what happened there when the brasses came in?

我们有一次机会来清洗船舶并为铜件抛光。We had a chance to clean the boat and polish the brasses.

这里的开始乐段是由哪种乐器演奏的,铜管乐器,还是弦乐器Is the beginning here played by the brasses or the strings?

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这里的开始乐段是由哪种乐器演奏的,铜管乐器,还是弦乐器。Is the beginning here played by the brasses or the strings?

如果他把该付的付清,他老婆孩子就会有足够的钱了。If he brasses up, his wife and child will have enough money.

而管乐器分为木管和铜管乐器。Well, wind instruments are grouped as woodwinds and brasses.

其它一些合金如黄铜在一定程度上也具有这种特性。Other alloys, such as brasses , are known to possess it to a limited extent.

她用一只胳膊肘支在枕头上,敏捷地坐起来时,震得黄铜环叮零当啷响。She set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the pillow.

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胡锦涛此行携多位中国政治、经济、金融界要员,代表团阵容可观。There are many Chinese top brasses on politics, economy and finance in this delegation.

拆下各主轴承上瓦,用桥规测量曲轴的磨耗。Remove the top half brasses of all main bearings and measure crankshaft worn down with bridge gauge.

铜磷钎料适宜于钎焊铜及黄铜墙铁壁,但是不适宜钎焊黑色金属。The copper-phosphorus filler metals are suitable to braze copper, brasses but they can not be suitable to braze ferrous.

论述了热处理工艺对特殊黄铜微观组织及耐磨性的影响。This paper discusses the effect of heat treatment to the microstructure and wear resistance property of special brasses.

他们以重奏的形式,演奏包括交响乐在内的风格各异的作品。In their concert, the 12 Brasses of Berlin Philharmonic play the works of Baroque, adapt lots of classical and original music.

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这所温馨的小房子就在眼前,里面的镶板与铜器在炉火映照下烟烟生辉,就像是魔术师变出来迎接他们的。The homely little house stood there, its panels and brasses shining in the firelight, as if magically created to receive them.

将目光聚焦,着重对其在铜管乐方面所做出的成就与贡献进行了详细论述。The thesis will mainly focus on the third part and make a detailed discussion in light of his contributions and achievements in brasses.

通常用作额定压力阀门的阀杆材料的硅青铜比普通黄铜具有更好的抗应力腐蚀裂纹的性能。Commonly used as stem material in pressure-rated valves, silicon bronze has greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking than common brasses.