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举个例子,我们来解释犹太复国运动这个名词,这个名词本身已经变成贬义词了,可对我来说,犹太复国运动就是指犹太人有权回到中东的祖国去,很简单。To me, Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East.

阿拉伯领袖中,也有意识到犹太民族的权利,完全肯定犹太复国运动的正当的。Arab leaders, cognizant of the rights of the Jewish people, fully endorsed the virtues of Zionism.

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以色列的敌人给他贴上了战争犯的标签,视他为犹太复国主义一切罪过的化身。Israel's enemies brand him a war criminal who personifies the sins they consider inherent in Zionism.

非常虚伪的种族主义白人。你的共济会基督徒和纳粹才是彻底的邪恶。Very hypocritical coming form a racist white boy. Your masonic-christian and zionism is evil to the core.

爱因斯坦不仅是一位科学工作者,而且也是个和平主义犹太复国运动的热情倡导者。Apart from his scientific work Einstein was a passionate advocate in the causes of pacificism and Zionism.

锡安主义之于犹太民族,一如民族解放运动之于亚洲非洲的各个民族。Zionism is to the Jewish people what the liberation movement of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples.

中国1975年也曾强烈支持联大3379号有关犹太复国主义与种族主义决议。China had strongly supported UN GeneralAssembly Resolution 3379 which had equated Zionism with racism in 1975.

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爱兹列尔则把传统的犹太精神与当代复国主义运动结合起来,前赴犹太故土巴勒斯坦。Caiman gives up his manor for the prayer room, while Ezriel combines the Jewish spirit with modem movement of Zionism.

在早期的以色列,犹太复国主义是世俗化运动的主要力量,而另一边的主导力量则是世俗化的阿拉伯民族主义。In Israel’s early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.

冷战结束催生的批判性的后犹太复国主义新思潮对犹太复国主义的基本特征和价值观构成了潜在的挑战。The new thoughts of post-Zionism catalyzed by the end of cold war become a potential challenge for the basic features and value of Zionism.

实际上,如果基督教右翼、犹太复国主义和伊斯兰教不能从政治中清除,那么我希望俄罗斯入侵。他们一定可以办到。In fact if the Christian Right and Zionism and Islam are not purged from politics on this continent I hope Russia DOES invade. They certainly will be able to.

大战的结果要令法西斯政权倒台并且锡安主义必须得到足够的支持在巴勒斯坦地区建起主权国。This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

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美国跟以色列一道退出了那次的会议,因为美国认为会议文件有关以色列和犹太复国主义的措辞是反犹太人的。The United States joined Israel in walking out of that meeting because of document language about Israel and Zionism that U. S. officials considered anti-Semitic.

举个例子,我们来解释犹太复国运动这个名词,这个名词本身已经变成贬义词了,可对我来说,犹太复国运动就是指犹太人有权回到中东的祖国去,很简单。For one, let's define Zionism.Zionism has somehow gotten a negative image.To me, Zionism simply means that Jews have a right to their homeland and the Middle East.

第一次世界大战中,英国为保护其在苏伊士运河的利益,大力扶植利用犹太复国主义运动,以控制巴勒斯坦地区。The First World War, the United Kingdom for the protection of its interests in the Suez Canal, and vigorously support the use of Zionism movement to control the Palestinian areas.

以犹太教为核心的宗教感情与民族精神,不仅使犹太民族免于被异族同化,而且成为了犹太复国主义运动成功的主要内部动因。The religious feelings centering on the Jew and the national spirit make the Jewish nation avoid assimilating from other nations and make the Zionism movements successful finally.

中国政府和人民坚决支持巴勒斯坦人民和阿拉伯各国人民反对犹太复国主义,收复失地和恢复民族权利的正义斗争。Chinese government resolutely supports Palestinian and Arab peoples' campaign against Zionism for reclaiming their lost territory and restoring national rights. Their struggle is a just one.