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安提贝风景,寒冷的西北风,1888。Antibes, View of the Cap, Mistral Wind, c. 1888

但是,米斯特拉说,人们对美国的看法很重要。But, Mistral says, perception counts for a lot.

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弗雷德里克·米斯特尔码头处,建筑物的百叶窗和阳台。Shutters and balconies on building on Quai Frederic Mistral.

大部分,主动脉和帆板阀是最常见的影响。Mostly , the aortic and mistral valves are most often affected.

建造西北风级两栖攻击舰的圣纳泽尔造船厂眼下正陷入困境。The Saint-Nazaire shipyard, which builds the Mistral class, is in trouble.

突然间,唐太斯呼吸到了夜晚新鲜寒冷的空气,他知道这是海湾边冷燥的西北风。Suddenly he felt the fresh and sharp night air, and Dantès knew that the mistral was blowing.

然而,加芙列拉·米斯特拉尔最终却是借助诗歌这一神妙的艺术留下了难以磨灭的永恒印记。In the end however, it was via the delicate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indelible and substantive mark.

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据悉,“西北风”战舰可携带16架重型直升机,登陆艇和部队,也可以作为指挥和控制船只。The Mistral warship can carry 16 heavy helicopters, landing-craft and troops and can also act as a command and control vessel.

俄罗斯和法国官员证实,俄罗斯就购买该船及其生产许可证进行谈判。Russian and French officials have confirmed Russia is in talks to buy a Mistral ship along with a license to produce at least four others.

西北风把浓烟吹向南边附近的公路,此时正值法国的暑假季,人们都在度假的路上,公路上交通异常繁忙。A mistral wind sent it south over a nearby motorway on one of the busiest travel days of the year as the French left for their summer holidays.

Burtsev还证实,俄罗斯正在计划购买一艘“西北风”军舰,在许可下有可能进一步建造四艘军舰。Burtsev also confirmed that Russia was planning to purchase one of the Mistral warships and to construct a further four warships under license.

船舶装备有两个米斯特拉尔表面Simbad发射对空导弹,两个30毫米布雷达-毛瑟火炮和4挺12.7毫米M2型乙肝布朗宁机枪。Vessel is armed with two Simbad launchers for Mistral surface-to-air missiles, two 30-mm Breda-Mauser guns and 4 12.7 mm M2-HB Browning machine guns.

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俄罗斯目前正在与法国就采购两艘Mistral级直升机航空母舰以及另外两艘的建造事宜进行谈判。Russia is currently in talks with France on the purchase of two Mistral class helicopter carriers and the construction of two others under a French license.

由现在到十月份,十六浦索菲特大酒店的Mistral餐厅带来不一样的午餐享受,由海鲜、虾、牛肉、蟹到鸭肉等等,每天都会有更新的主题美食。Mistral Restaurant at Sofitel is also offering something special for lunch from now until October, with a different specialty each day, like shellfish, duck, prawns, beef, or crab.