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他的骄傲自大被看作神秘的个人魅力。He had a cockiness that passed for8 charisma.

我实在厌恶这个老人的狂妄。I really despised the old man for all his cockiness.

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要记住自信与自大的区别。Remember the difference between confidence and cockiness.

比利不会傲慢,但是他却有很多自卫性的趾高气扬的行为。Billy wasn’t arrogant, but he had a bit of defensive cockiness about him.

詹金斯赢得一个外号“经营者”,因为“他厚脸皮的骄傲自大。Jenkins earned the nickname "Smooth Operator" because of "his cheeky cockiness.

杰拉德相信英格兰在世界杯的失败在于球员们的过于骄傲自大。Gerrard believes England's players' cockiness in the World Cup cost them dearly.

事实上,反而可能会隐藏他对自己欺骗妳的本事感到自豪的感觉。In fact, he might be concealing pride or cockiness at his ability to deceive you.

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我不会原谅我犯下的错,因为我的骄傲自大而认为她配不上我。I won 't forgive myself for that mistake I made , for that little bit of cockiness n.

而自大则是,自认为自己比别人优越,并且也想让满世界的人知道这点。Cockiness implies that you think you're better than other people and want to let the world know.

多米尼克-琼斯是个很不错的得分手,和贾森-特里一样拥有近乎自大的自信心。Dominique Jones is a great scorer, almost in the Jason Terry mold with tremendous confidence, almost cockiness.

多米尼克-琼斯是个很不错的得分手,和贾森-特里一样拥有近乎自大的自信心。Dominique Jones is a great scorer, almost in the Jason Terry mold with tremendous confidence, almost cockiness. J.

自信和自大之间是有区别的,湖人比大多数球队都理解这个区别。There's a difference between confidence and cockiness , and the Lakers understand the difference better than most teams.

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但最终,信心会膨胀成自大而急于挑起更多斗争和提高了死亡率。Eventually, though, confidence becomes cockiness. The animal starts more fights and experiences higher rates of mortality.

我们可以注意到,在场下科比很少会出现被那些人所指的傲慢与自大。Notice that off the court, Bryant rarely, if ever, displays the type of cockiness and arrogance he is accused of by his critics.

他还说,对一些中国年轻人而言,成功带来的更多的似乎是骄傲自满,而非民族自信。He also said that among some young Chinese success sometimes seems to have produced not so much national self-confidence as cockiness.

科黑的一项最大的批评和最反感厌恶的地方就来自于科比的狂傲与自大。One of the most popular criticisms cited by "Kobe haters" for their passionate aversion to Bryant is his "cockiness" and "arrogance. "

骄傲自大和言语辱骂击中我最深的伤口——让我有种我是一个不值得被尊重、无足重轻、毫无价值的废物的感觉。Cockiness and verbal abuse tied into my deepest wound –a feeling that I was unworthy of respect, insignificant, a worthless little worm.

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将军在一个军事世家长大,因此他的整个军事生涯也是一个辉煌和自大的混合物。Growing up as a military brat, McChrystal exhibited the mixture of brilliance and cockiness that would follow him throughout his career.

涩琪不怕与别人不同或是让别人笑,因为她有那个不带骄傲的自信,她也很感激于现在的地位。Seul Gi is not afraid to be different or make people laugh because she has that confidence without cockiness and she is truly grateful that she's in her position today.

在经济繁荣时期,一些“职场秀客”会把自负发挥到了极至,提出非分的工资要求、职务要求,以及其他种种特殊待遇。In more robust economies, some corporate idols take their cockiness to extreme levels by demanding above-average salaries, custom job titles and other forms of special treatment.