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步枪手,弹再上膛,手保持在扳机!Load again, rifleman , keep your hand in!

机枪手和步枪手瞄准了洞穴入口。A machine gunner and rifleman cover the cave entrance.

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是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。It is this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief.

但不清楚他是枪手还是帮手。It is unclear whether he is the rifleman or an accomplice.

修正巫妖牺牲仪式对矮人火枪手无效的错误。Sacrifice Ritual doesn't take effect on Rifleman Bug fixed.

由于携带的弹药有限,你应该尽量和突击兵在一起以获取补给。Stay Close to a Rifleman as you don't have much ammo for your Heavy AT Weapon.

反坦克兵可以使用轻型反坦克武器攻击并摧毁载具。The anti-tank rifleman is able to attack vehicles and destroy them with a light anti-armor weapon.

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支援兵的弹药消耗很快,需要突击兵来补给他们。Support players will deplete ammunition quickly, and will need the rifleman class to resupply them.

突击兵和支援兵的装备之一,可以补给所有种类的弹药,包括反坦克火箭、手雷和战地止血包。Used by rifleman to resupply all types of ammo, including AT rockets, grenades and field dressings.

不会召唤炮兵或飞机轰炸的特种兵就好像普通步枪兵不会瞄准一样。An SF team that cannot call in artillery or air strikes is like a rifleman who doesn't know how to aim his weapon.

步枪射手伍德在阿富汗受伤的炸弹,是仅有的三个谁战争中幸存下来三重截肢者之一。Rifleman Wood was wounded in Afghanistan by a bomb and is one of only three triple amputees who have survived the war.

你不用担心额外的升级,因为AP弹头对锤头和机枪兵都有效果。You won't have to worry about extra upgrades here , since the AP Bullets will affect both the Hammerhead and the Rifleman Squad.

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暴雪公司的艺术作品是最让我激动的东西了,我是魔兽的一个大粉丝,因此我制作了自己的“火枪手”。The most inspiring thing for me is art by Blizzard entertainment and because Im a big fan of Warcraft I have started work on "my" Rifleman.

旅行者可能会看到悬挂著暴力的头版头条,与战争中的幸存者相遇,或者偶然碰到步枪兵正看守著邻居的冰激凌小店。Travelers may see headlines of gang violence, meet survivors of the war or bump into the rifleman guarding the neighborhood ice-cream parlor.

步兵们已整装待发!作为最基本的地面单位,步兵们可以对敌方造成适中的伤害。如果施以人海战术,步兵们几乎是势不可挡。Rifleman at the ready! Basic infantry units, the Riflemen are able to deal withstand moderate damage. In large enough numbers, they are almost unstoppable.

支援武器最好以卧姿射击,压制敌军,同时小队中的突击兵从侧翼包抄消灭敌人。支援兵的弹药消耗很快,需要突击兵来补给他们。The best use of the support weapon is to be fired from the prone position, in bursts to suppress the enemy, while the squad rifleman flank around to kill the enemy.

那一天,路易斯在他的日记中写道,虽然美国原住民的弓箭也许无法有效对付灰熊,但灰熊根本敌不过受过训练的步枪射手。That day Lewis wrote in his journal that although the Native Americans with their bows and arrows might have problems, the grizzlies were no match for skilled rifleman.

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在这篇制作教程里,我将向你展示我制作“火枪手”这幅作品的过程,包括建模,贴图和后期合成。In this making, I would like to present to you the process of making my picture " Rifleman ". I will show you how I proceeded with the modeling, texturing and postproduction.

在太平洋战场上,当陆战队对日军占领的岛屿进行抢滩登陆作战时,他们钟爱的M1903斯普林菲尔德式步枪——步枪射手的专用枪显得难以应付作战需要,直到那时他们才改变了主意。The Marines only changed their minds after their beloved but antiquated Springfield M1903, a rifleman 's rifle, proved inadequate when they stormed beaches in the Pacific held by the Japanese.

1942年12月16日,在被德军围困的列宁格勒市外围一座废弃的房子的后院里,站着一名红军射手,正在用自己手中的机关枪向德军目标射击。Standing in the backyard of an abandoned house in the outskirts of the besieged city of Leningrad, a rifleman of the Red Army aims and fires his machine gun at German positions on December 16, 1942.