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海关在哪里?Where is customs?

海关监管。Customs Supervision.

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他知道所有的风俗。He knew all the customs.

请去海关办理手续。Please proceed to customs.

知识产权海关保护。Customs protection of IPRs.

好的。请去海关办理手续。OK. Please proceed to customs.

您可以到海关区去了。You can go to the customs now.

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海关官员亲切地微笑。The customs man smiles amiably.

前往海关办理结关手续。Go to the Customs for clearance.

我看不惯这些旧习惯。I hate to see these old customs.

我们的行李已通过海关检查。Our baggage has cleared customs.

各国有各国的风谷。Each country has its own customs.

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我们现在到了海关检查处。Now we are at the Customs Office.

详情请阅读海关费用。Read more about the customs fees.

你没在报关单上签名!You didn't sign the customs form!

需要填一份海关申报书。A customs declaration is required.

我的丈夫是一名铁路职工。Her husband was a customs officer.

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我们现在到了海关检查处。Here we are at the Customs Office.

我能看看您的报关单吗?May I See your customs declaration?

先生,可以看看您的海关申报书吗?May I see your customs declaration?