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蓝夜色,铜锣湾。Blue night, Causeway.

讲信用的人走遍天下。Credit keeps the crown of the causeway.

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你看我们身后不就是苏堤嘛。Look, it is the Suti Causeway behind us.

啊,这里也有苏堤啊?What, there is also a Suti Causeway here?

甚至我去铜锣湾时,记者也会跟踪我。Even if I go to Causeway Bay, reporters follow me.

我喜欢铜锣湾的崇光日本百货。I loved SoGo, the Japanese dept store in Causeway Bay.

汽车现在可以通过一条长堤,直接进入圣淘沙。Cars can now be driven direct to Sentosa by a causeway.

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这会儿正是在白堤、苏堤上慢跑的好时候。The service hour at Causeway Bay is for reference only.

一小队人马在堤道上急急地赶路。A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.

世界遗产——巨人之路的傍晚。Evening at the World Heritage Site of The Giants Causeway.

“白堤上好几棵柳树被剃了‘光头’”!Several willow trees on Bai Causeway are made bald-headed.

华华的肥皂泡折射出苏堤的影子。The Su Causeway is refracted in soap bubbles made by Huahua.

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这会儿正是在白堤、苏堤上慢跑的好时候。It is a good time to jog on the Bai Causeway and Su Causeway.

只接受铜锣湾点点红服务中心作交收。Only could be collected at red-dots causeway bay service centre.

买电脑可以去铜锣湾的皇室大厦购物中心。For computers, go to Windsor House shopping center in Causeway Bay.

香港铜锣湾百德新街恒隆中心1704室。Room 1704, Hang Lung Centre, Paterson Srteet, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

最佳地点是20英里长的阿夫鲁戴克的河道。The optimal location would be the 20-mile-long causeway of Afsluitdijk.

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铜锣湾动物医院,香港铜锣湾威菲路道29号。Causeway Bay Animal Hospital, 29 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

幸存未亡者混乱地躲在堤道反斜面。The survivors huddled against the bank on the far of side of the causeway.

它坐落在由西往东穿越于西湖的白堤上。It is situated on Bai Causeway that runs across the Lake from west to east.