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茄马特船长病愈后从帕尔马岛回来了。Captain Gaumard, recovered from his illness, had returned from Palma.

每间住处均设有私人浴室,且酒店前设有阳光露台。Guests at the Palma Hotel can relax at the beach or on the sun terrace.

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不过至少帕尔玛是个购物的好去处,我们在那买了一些很不错的东西。But at least Palma was decent for shopping, and we could buy some nice things there.

在这个被称作“小白宫”的别墅里,陪他打球的是当年教父级的高球球员帕尔玛。Known as the "small White House" villa, the ball is in his paternity godfather class lob players Palma.

球队星期三飞往帕尔玛参加他们与柏林赫塔以及主办队皇家马洛卡的比赛。United fly to Palma on Wednesday for their two-game tournament against Hertha Berlin and hosts Real Mallorca.

该是观光的时侯了,于是我们前往马略卡岛的首都——帕尔玛市观光。It was time for some sight seeing, and therefore we visited the capital of Mallorca, which is Palma de Mallorca.

我们来到帕尔马市最大的购物中心购物,从楼顶上望去,可以看到美丽的风景。We came to the biggest shopping center of Palma. From the top level of the building, you can see the beautiful scenery.

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帕尔玛先生说道,塞德尔先生在被解雇后回到办公室,并开始使用另一位员工的电脑。Mr. Palma said that Mr. Sidell had returned to the office after he was fired and had begun using another employee’s computer.

亚松森帕尔马扶轮社的社员为VOSH团徵募志愿翻译员,并赞助一个为当地居民进行视力检测的诊疗团。Asunción Palma Rotarians enlisted volunteer interpreters for the VOSH team and sponsored a clinic to evaluate people for eye care.

泰勒的军队挺进格兰德河以南地区,1846年5月,分别在帕洛阿尔托战役和雷萨卡的拉帕尔瓦战役中取得了胜利。Taylor's army advanced into the region south of the Rio Grande, winning victories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma in May 1846.

雷纳和他在亚松森帕尔马扶轮社的社友弗列提斯对等待接受视力检查的人说明营养充足的重要性。José Servián Renna and fellow Asunción Palma Rotarian Kitty De Fretes advise people awaiting eye examinations about the importance of sound nutrition.

西班牙马洛卡岛首府帕尔玛的忏悔者,等待「耶稣进入耶路撒冷」的游行开始。Penitents wait to start the procession of the 'Entrada de Jesus a Jerusalem' during Holy Week in Palma de Mallorca on the Spanish island of Mallorca April 9, 2006.

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在西班牙的马洛加群岛首府帕尔玛,威廉马戏团的小丑准备表演的脸孔映在一面镜子中。A clown is reflected in a mirror as he prepares for his performance at the Williams Circus in Palma de Mallorca on the Spanish island of Mallorca November 18, 2006.

“帕尔马先生继续说,”珍妮特李缩影什么故事片“9号球”的内容,一年轻女子谁克服巨大的障碍,成为真正的冠军。Mr. Palma continues by saying, "Jeanette Lee epitomizes what the feature film "9-Ball" is about, a young woman who overcomes huge obstacles to become a true champion.

国王是个快艇好手,几十年来一直在能欣赏到引人注目的悬崖顶海景的行宫度过八月假期。行宫坐落在马略卡岛帕尔马附近的巴利阿里群岛的西南海岸。The king, a keen yachtsman, has for decades spent August vacations at the palace with its dramatic cliff-top views of the sea on the Balearic island's southwestern coast near Palma de Mallorca.