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你这不合时宜的老妇人!You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!

当他们在一起时看起并不协调。They look incongruous when they are together.

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皮大衣和游泳衣配在一起很不相称。A fur coat is incongruous with a bathing suit.

他降低了他那不相称的假嗓子。He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.

他的眼睛里呈现着一种奇特的、不协调的恍惚神情。His eyes have taken on a strange, incongruous dreamy quality.

婚姻中最温柔的时刻是奇特的,亦可能是不协调的那些瞬间。The tenderest moments in a marriage can be strange and incongruous.

其结果就像初雪上溅满了内脏一样生动而不协调。The result has been as vivid and incongruous as spilt guts on virgin snow.

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粗呢外套看起来与她下身穿的黑裙子不很协调。The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath.

把垃圾和音乐凑在一起,这念头似乎格格不入,但却理想不过。The very idea of mixing garbage with music seems so incongruous as to be ideal.

一个小偷同一个警察亲切地坐在一起,这看上去很不协调。It was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.

此书是“嘻哈派”的最新作品-它融合了两种不相符的元素。The book is the latest in a trend of 'mash-ups' –interesting mixes of two incongruous elements.

“火箭人”这个昵称,用在一位身高六英尺四英寸、重逾两百磅的巨汉身上,似乎有那么点不协调。The nickname "Rocket" might seem a tad incongruous for a man who stands six feet four and weighs over two hundred pounds.

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分别研究了方位均匀漂移、同向漂移和异向漂移的定向井轨迹设计。This paper studies the trajectory design in rectangular drifting, concurrent drifting and incongruous drifting situations.

我向他描述他看我时我的感觉如何,及我被他的注视弄得瞠目结舌是多么不合理的一件事。I described to him the way I had felt when he had looked at me and how incongruous it had been for me to be tongue-tied by it.

这里的大人物大多表里不一,在他们的晚礼服下,英式含糊的交谈中,甚至笑声中!How incongruous seemed the mem-sahibs there, in their evening-dresses, the hum of English conversation, and the ripples of laughter!

外型惹火、发动机后置的索潘特拉在林肯—墨丘利销售处对外销售,对于该类型车而言,这是一个与众不同的销售平台。The hot-looking rear-engined Pantera was sold at Lincoln-Mercury dealers, a rather incongruous retailing channel for a car like this.

很少有研究探讨不和谐因素的感知获得和幽默话语的真正理解过程。However, a mere discussion on the perception of the incongruous element and the interpretation of the humorous utterances are conducted.

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这一切看上去也许很不妥。公认的美国公路越野车王竟然被中国收购,一个自行车大行其道的国家。It might seem incongruous that a plaything for the unabashed American road warrior is shifting to a country where the bicycle once ruled.

我也立即吸引了不协调的外观,一个老片的木材体育罚款耳机和支持叉子和车轮。I was also immediately captivated by the incongruous look of an old piece of lumber sporting a fine headset and supporting a fork and wheel.

如果你走进教室,看到这里有一碗水果,这也是不一致,但你不会高声大笑地指着水果。If there was a bowl of fruit up there as you walked in, it'd be incongruous but people wouldn't shriek with laughter and point to the fruit.