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本人拥有子爵权利的女子爵。A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right.

18蒙克顿子爵,2006年11月23号,致乔治·蒙博特的信Viscount Monckton, 23rd November 2006. Letter to George Monbiot

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19蒙克顿子爵,2006年11月24日,致乔治·蒙博特的电子邮件Viscount Monckton, 24th November 2006. Email to George Monbiot.

最有可能子爵和恋父飞机是在该地区。Most likely Viscount and Electra aircraft which were in the area.

我非常荣幸能够为英国皇家的林利子爵做翻译。I was tremendously honored to work for Viscount Linley as his interpreter.

“把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。Take these flowers into the ante room or dressing- room , " said the viscount".

他命名为群岛后,当时的第一魔戒金钟,福克兰子爵。He named the Islands after the then First Lord of the Admiralty, Viscount Falkland.

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塞文子爵是威塞克斯伯爵爱德华和伯爵夫人索菲亚最小的孩子。Viscount Severn is the youngest child of Edward and Sophie, the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

德埃皮努瓦子爵是最早收养这个野女孩的权贵之一。The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl's cause.

英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵。British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.

伯爵英国一种贵族,根据欧洲传统的规定,其头衔高于子爵低于侯爵。A British nobleman next in rank above a viscount and below a marquis, corresponding to a count in continental Europe.

狮子的形象是根据当时的俱乐部主席并拥有“切尔西子爵”称号的卡多甘伯爵家族的徽章演变而来的。The lion was derived from the Arms of Earl Cadogan who was president of the club and also held the title Viscount Chelsea.

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那就是年轻的拉乌尔·沙尼子爵,他是和兄长菲利普·沙尼伯爵一起来的。This was the young Viscount Raoul Chagny. He had come to the performance with his older brother, the Count Philippe Chagny.

卡斯尔雷子爵罗伯特?斯图亚特和乔治?坎宁都没受重伤,不过是坎宁添了新伤。Both Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh and George Canning avoided serious injury, although the latter suffered a flesh wound.

卡斯尔雷子爵罗伯特·斯图亚特和乔治·坎宁免于身受重伤,不过是坎宁略有轻伤。Both Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh and George Canning avoided serious injury, although the latter suffered a flesh wound.

罗兰子爵夫人也冷嘲热讽了子爵一顿之后,拉着阿尔梅气呼呼地走了。Luo orchid viscount the madam after also satirizing and sneering at viscount pull Er plum the spirit shout that the ground walked.

小女孩被带到德埃皮努瓦子爵城堡的厨房里,当时厨子正在宰杀家禽为子爵做晚饭。The girl was brought to the kitchen of the chateau of Viscount d'Epinoy. The cook was dressing some fowls for the viscount's dinner.

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她的父亲曾任英王乔治六世及伊丽莎白二世女王的侍从官,母亲担任过王太后的女侍从,父亲是子爵在1975年继承了第8代伯爵爵位。Her mother served as the female attendant of Queen Mother, and her father inherited the 8th Earl in 1975, who was a viscount at first.

在婚礼上,伊丽莎白二世赐予她的小儿子威塞克斯伯爵和赛佛恩子爵的爵位,苏菲成为了威塞克斯伯爵夫人。Upon their union, Queen Elizabeth II's youngest son became Earl of Wessex and Viscount Severn, while Sophie became Countess of Wessex.

子爵为了躲避神志不清的夫人,每天借口事务繁忙呆在工厂里不回家。The viscount lends a people every day for avoiding the madam of confused state of mind the business is busy foolish don't go home in the factory.