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他与翻译结下不解之缘。He has been wedded to translation.

早已跟学问与逻辑私定终身。Wedded to lore and logic long ago.

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这对新婚夫妇总是吵架。This newly wedded couple are always quarreling.

他早已同他的书本和教区结了不解之缘。He was wedded already to his books and his parish.

你能接受这位男士做你的合法婚姻丈夫吗?Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?

那刚结婚的女人已怀胎五个月。The newly wedded woman has been pregnant for five month.

托马斯先生,你愿意唐娜女士做你的妻子吗?Do you, Thomas, take Donna to be your lawful wedded wife?

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那刚结婚的女人已怀胎五个月。The newly wedded woman has been pregnant for five months.

唐娜女士,你愿意托马斯先生成为你的丈夫吗?Do you, Donna, take Thomas to be your lawful wedded husband?

郑先生,你愿意娶你身旁的先生为你的妻子么?Mr. Jung, will you have this man as your lawful wedded wife?

那么,李扬,你愿意接受亚娟做你合法妻子吗?Then, Leon LI, do you take Sophia Dong to be your lawful, wedded wife?

高超的智慧与邪恶的意愿相结合,会生出变态的魔怪。A fine intellect wedded to a wicked will was always an unnatural monster.

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我们已经变得越来越粗俗和贪婪,紧紧地和致上的金钱和最低的共同欲望结合起来。We've grown vulgar and venal, wedded to the almighty dollar and the lowest common denominator.

因此,植根于目的型国家理论的政治制度必然是不稳定与压制性的。Hence, political systems wedded to end-state preferences are necessarily unstable and coercive.

埃尔达精灵一生只结一次婚,婚姻的基础通常是爱情或至少是出于双方的自愿。The Eldar wedded once only in life, and for love or at the least by free will upon either part.

维斯特是塔洛斯国王的大女婿,也是泰塔利亚王位的第二继承人。Wedded to the eldest daughter of King Tralossk, Wystan is the next heir to the throne of Tatalia.

终于,到了结婚前夕,在她新婚的喜悦中却掺杂这一股淡淡的哀伤。Soon it was the eve of the wedding day. Her newly- wedded joy was mixed with a touch of melancholy.

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直到今天,无视二十年来老模式已经失效的种种事实,日本仍然在走老路。To this day, Japan is still wedded to its old ways, despite 20 years of evidence they no longer work.

道路是我的新娘。白昼,她在我脚下向我低语,永夜,她和着我的梦儿歌唱。THE road is my wedded companion. She speaks to me under my feet all day, she sings to my dreams all night.

中国领导人死心塌地地咬着“互不干涉”别国内政政策。China's leaders remain irrevocably wedded to the principle of "non-interference" in a country's internal affairs.