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为何有那么多的嚎哭,歇斯底里的悲伤?Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow?

歇斯底里的喜欢后,就是撕心裂肺的痛。Hysterical like, is tore heart crack lung of painful.

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独立电影,脆弱、卑微或歇斯底里的呐喊?Independent films-fragile, ignoble or hysterical scream?

始终温和,有没有“歇斯底里的激情。Pusey , always mild, has none of that hysterical passion.

他将她的话视为一个歇斯底里的女人的胡言乱语而不予理会。He dismissed her words as the ravings of a hysterical woman.

在某个阶段,美国对此几乎歇斯底里。At one stage, Americans became almost hysterical about the issue.

孙维君歇斯底里的大叫着说,他这辈子都不会再醒过来了。Sun Weijun hysterical screaming, says he wont wake up again in my life.

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他们不会对这些低等阶级的歇斯底里般的恐惧做出让步。They would not bow to the hysterical fears of the lower-caste majority.

楼价很难升回一九九七年那不合理的最高位。Prices are unlikely to climb back to the hysterical levels recorded in 1997.

我当时正在家里,我母亲一大清早就打来电话,歇斯底里地说着他被杀的消息。I was at home and my mum rang me hysterical in the early hours to say he’d been killed.

有些人就是能够在众人面前侃侃而谈,他们有本事让房间里的所有人笑得前仰后合。There are naturally funny people who can make a whole room erupt in hysterical laughter.

里斯本一年中的一半季节都有阳光的润泽,但是伦敦在夏季也只有30余天的阳光。Lisbon is sun-scorched for half the year, while London gets hysterical for 30 days of summer.

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史东新却将枪口对准阿梅,歇斯底里地质问阿梅为什么要杀死韩晓鸥。Shi Dongxin will muzzle against Ah Mui, hysterical geology asked why Ah Mui to kill Han Xiaoou.

不过,在众多反对者那歇斯底里的严词批评声中,有些担忧的确合情合理。Yet beneath the hysterical rhetoric of many objectors, there are eminently reasonable concerns.

她的表情一定是歇斯底里的,言语也一定是万分幽怨的。Her expression is hysterical certainly, utterance also is certainly extremely of hidden bitterness.

威廉姆斯的母亲,埃德温娜,是密西西比州的一个牧师的女儿和容易歇斯底里的攻击。Williams's mother, Edwina , was a Mississippi clergyman's daughter and prone to hysterical attacks.

仁是回到她的歇斯底里的滑稽动作在这本新书,我不能把它下来后,我开始了。Jen is back to her hysterical antics in this new book, and I couldn't put it down once I started it.

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杰西歇斯底里的大叫,这时我喘着气爬起来继续追。Jessie was hysterical , screaming loudly , as I picked myself up from the floor gasping to give chase.

我笑得前仰后合,接着突然哭起来,然后又转化成耳朵严重发炎。I become hysterical with laughter, which suddenly turns to tears and then into a serious ear infection.

“没有下一轮了,”路格博士一边说,一边轻轻地扶着此时有点歇斯底里的凯西以免她倒下。"There's no next round, " Dr. Luger said, gently taking the arm of a now hysterical Kathy to steady her.