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“学非所用”是应该避免的吗?Is "mismatch" to be avoided?

NVRAM的配置和驱动器不匹配。Configuration of NVRAM and drives mismatch.

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这造成了一种失配——和信号被吸收没有关系。You’re causing a mismatch – nothing to do with absorption.

研其原因,速度耐力差已成共识。The reasons are due to the mismatch of speed and endurance.

这就造成了不匹配的障碍,必须进行测试。This creates an impedance mismatch that must be tested for.

这种错误匹配反映在很多数据类型感知的工具中。This mismatch is reflected in all the data-type-aware tools.

与此不匹配情况相关的问题是接口不匹配的问题。Related to this mismatch is the problem of interface mismatch.

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这被称为阻抗不连续或阻抗不匹配。This is called an impedance discontinuity or an impedance mismatch.

为何发行价和二级市场价之间存在差距?Why the mismatch between the offering prices and the market values?

探讨了不匹配效应对有限尺寸计算结果的影响。We discuss the effects of mismatch on the results of finite-size system.

在美国,在线时间和广告费用之间存在较大的不一致。In the US, there is a big mismatch between time spent online and ad dollars.

“显存速度和GPU速度之间存在严重的不匹配,”他补充说。"There's a significant mismatch between memory speed and GPU speed," he adds.

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对于一个移动的目标,大脑计算在这个不匹配的时间里边的改变。For a moving object, the brain calculates the change in this mismatch over time.

在东莞这种工业城市,一座奢侈的科学园区就是这种错配的例子。A lavish science park in Dongguan, a nearby factory city, illustrates the mismatch.

相位编码信号对多普勒敏感,不能很好地实现脉冲压缩。Codes used in phase-coded pulse compression waveforms suffer from Doppler mismatch.

一些人认为这是一场一面倒的比赛,但我不这么认为。Some people are seeing this fight as a mismatch , but I dont see it this way at all.

特级教师制度的激励和导向功能淡化也导致价值错位。The weakening of the motivation and guidance function also causes the value mismatch.

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在相位编码脉冲压缩技术中,各种码都存在着多普勒失配问题。There lies Doppler mismatch in every code of phase-coded pulse compression techniques.

汉式英语是否源于英语形式和汉语语境知识的错误匹配?Does Mismatch of English Forms with Chinese Contextual Knowledge Give Rise to Chinglish?

膨胀系数不相配必须会引起重心不稳定。This mismatch in coefficient is certain to result in instability of the center of gravity.