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不要用那么太干或者太容易碎的叶子。Avoid leaves that are dry or crumbly.

脆饼干是一种薄的、松脆的饼干。Shortbread is a short crumbly cookie.

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然后加入软化的牛油。混合成粗碎末状。Mix in softened butter until mixture is crumbly.

这个酥饼因其脆脆的表面和纹理而得名。Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture.

易碎但湿润,黄油但干燥。It's crumbly yet it's moist. It's buttery yet it's dry.

如果加太多硼砂,混合物会因为太脆而容易碎裂。If you add too much borax the mixture will be crumbly and fall apart.

正是在这一阶段,堆肥变成良好的、疏松芳香的腐殖质土。It is during this stage that the compost turns into good, crumbly fragrant, humus earth.

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我喜欢它的易碎的质地和美妙的恭维黄油味的甜填补。I like its crumbly texture and wonderful buttery flavor that compliments the sweet filling.

这种奶酪色白而酥脆,显然以其浓醇的口味和天然的咸味很受欢迎。It is a crumbly white cheese, apparently popular for its intense flavor and natural saltiness.

我喜欢周五晚上你在炉上烤过一个小时后的美味和酥脆。I love you for your delicious, crumbly gratins baked for an hour in the oven on Friday evenings.

理想的河岸边土壤很松软,这些鸟可以很轻松的用自己喙去凿出适合做窝的地洞。The ideal riverbank is crumbly enough for the birds to excavate a nesting burrow with their beaks.

乙基会取代硅酸盐离子,形成一种硬而易碎的硅树脂聚合物。The ethyl groups replace oxygen in the silicate ion chains, creating a solid but crumbly silicone polymer.

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对于基本原料,将面包屑、糖、黄油和面粉放在一个电动搅拌机里搅拌直到搅碎并混合。For the crust, combine the crumbs, sugar, butter and flour in the bowl of an electric mixer until moist and crumbly.

有些标本,是因为其化学成分不应该洗,还那些粘土或易碎的类型。Some specimens, because of their chemical composition should not be washed, also those of the clays or crumbly type.

在太空中最好不要吃脆的食品,因为食物的碎屑会漂离,然后进入一切东西里。You'd better not eat crumbly food because the crumbs will float around and get into everything when you are in space.

说是在残破的山岩上刻有250个台阶,但我觉得有些台阶缺失了。Allegedly there are 250 steps carved into the crumbly rock but I think they missed a few and I struggle to reach the top.

鸡蛋原来是易碎的,薄薄的外壳保护着液态的内脏,开水一煮,内脏变硬。The egg is originally crumbly the very thin outer shell protects the internal organs of the liquid once the boiled water cook the internal organs become hard.

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鸡蛋原来是易碎的,薄薄的外壳保护著液态的内脏,开水一煮,内脏变硬。The egg is originally crumbly the very thin out er shell protects the internal organs of the liquid once the boiled water cook the internal organs become hard.

压裂充填工艺是中高渗透油气层和不稳定松软地层的有效增产、防砂措施,又是一种新的完井方法。Frac and pack technology is both a effective stimulation and sand control treatment, and a new completion method in unstable crumbly formation and high permeability reservoir.

当然,在黄果树没有大自然作用下摇摇欲坠的寺庙,但是却不乏被大树的盘根错节箍定的岩石。Of course, here at Huangguoshu there are no crumbly temples that nature has decided to reclaim, but there are plenty of rocks upon which the trees have staked out their claim.