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旅游团的劣谟将在胳膊上佩戴红色臂章。The tour leader will be wearing a red armband.

主教练把袖标给我对我是个很大的激励。The manager gave me a big boost by giving me the armband.

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我指着自己的袖标,将这句话说了不下二三十次。I must have said it 20 or 30 times, pointing to my armband.

任何戴袖章的学生都会被停学。Any student who wore an armband would be suspended from school.

第二天,我去上学,整个上午都戴着袖章。The next day I went to school and I wore the armband all morning.

每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵白纸菊花。Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.

每支曲棍球队都必须有一位场上队长,队长必须带有臂章。Each hockey team must have a captain on the field who must wear an armband.

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一个穿着棉大衣,戴着红袖箍的老头懒洋洋地坐在前面晒太阳。At the gate, there sat an old man wearing a thick winter coat and a red armband.

无论费迪南德能否戴上队长臂章,他都希望新赛季尽快来临。Whether he dons the armband or not, Rio Ferdinand can't wait to get the new season underway.

利物浦队长现在是暂时佩戴队长袖标,因为里奥·费迪南德因伤缺阵。The Liverpool skipper is temporarily wearing the armband in place of the injured Rio Ferdinand.

因为队长特里的受伤,费迪南德将继续佩戴队长袖标。Because the injured captain John Terry, Rio Ferdinand will continue to wear the captain armband.

一个安装了投影仪的臂环直接将用户界面投射到了用户的手腕上An armband equipped with a projector displays a user interface directly onto the wrist of a user.

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但是普约尔表现出象征巴萨团队理念的姿态,把臂章递给了阿比达尔。But in a gesture symbolizing Barcelona's team ethic, Puyol handed the armband over to Eric Abidal.

这也是特里第30场国家队比赛的第二个进球,进球后他兴奋的亲吻队长袖标。It was his second England goal on his 30th appearance, celebrated with a kiss on the captain's armband.

这个系统将键盘和菜单传输到用户前臂上,并且通过安置在臂带的投影机进行控制。The system beams a keyboard or menu onto the user's forearm and hand from a projector housed in an armband.

然而,卡佩罗将带队在今晚的2012欧洲杯预选赛上迎战黑山,队长袖标将移交给费迪南。However, Capello has given Ferdinand the armband for tonight's Euro 2012 qualifier with Montenegro at Wembley.

这一年里他共五次戴上队长袖标。并且在客场对安道尔的比赛里打入两球。The year saw him wear the captain's armband on five occasions. He also scored two goals – both away in Andorra.

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我常常看巴恩斯带着队长袖标,梦想着有一天我能成为我深爱球队的队长。I used to watch Barnes with the captains armband and dream that one day it would be me captaining the team I love.

舍甫琴科被公认为乌克兰队的核心,同样巴拉克在德国队中也是这样。Shevchenko's standing in Ukraine is recognised with the armband and it is a similar case with Ballack and Germany.

很明显,失去了队长袖标的里奥会有些沮丧。但是他对我们仍然很重要,他会振作起来坦然面对这一切的。Obviously Rio will be upset to lose the armband. But he is a big man and he will pick himself up and get on with it.