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我们没有自来水。We have no piped water.

他们用管道把水引走。They piped the water away.

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他吹哨子召集全体海员到甲板上。He piped all hands on deck.

我就快活地吹了起来。So I piped with merry cheer.

外宾在管乐声中被迎了进来。Foreign guests were piped in.

两只画眉奏起了乐曲。Two thrushes piped out of it.

他吹哨子解散全体海员。He piped away all the sailors.

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煤气通过管道输送到各家各户。Gas is piped to all the houses.

就在这时,律师插话了。Just then, the lawyer piped up.

孩子们为此大哭起来。The children piped up for this.

他吹笛子好让我们跳舞。He piped so that we could dance.

那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。The woman piped her disapproval.

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她用蓝绸子给裙子滚边。She piped the skirt with blue silk.

差不多所有商店都播放有线广播的音乐。Nearly all the shops have piped music.

我们地区正在铺设热水管道。Our area is being piped for hot water.

我们这个地区将要“铺设”煤气管。Our neighborhood will be piped for gas.

太阳能热水经管道输送,为室内供暖。Piped solar-heated water heats the house.

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我烤了蛋糕、搅了奶油。I piped the frosting and whipped the cream.

最小的那个小孩尖声地说出了答案。The smallest child piped up with the answer.

冷空气通过管道输送进来而暖空气则被输送出去。Cool air is piped in and warm air is piped out.