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最外面的一层叫表皮。The outermost is the epidermis.

它以周皮代替表皮。The periderm of root replaces epidermis.

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组为成年小香猪自体表皮皮片。Group C is to graft autologous epidermis flap.

叶上表皮细胞常呈乳突状。The cells of upper epidermis are often papillae.

国产省藤属植物的叶表皮形态学。Leaf Epidermis Morphology of the Genus Calamus L.

一切碎屑和分离的老皮必须清除。All debris and detached epidermis must be removed.

根以皮层木栓化,代替表皮。The cortical corkification of the root replace epidermis.

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有的居群下表皮有单细胞表皮毛分布。Some populations have unicellular hairs on lower epidermis.

两周后,撕去叶表皮条进行气孔格局分析。Epidermis bioassay was conducted 2 weeks after the treatment.

对关中奶山羊皮肤消毒处理后,器械法分离表皮和真皮。After washing the goat skin piece, dissect epidermis from dermis.

林奈木茎的表面,表皮层已被周皮所代替。The epidermis has been replaced by periderm on the surface of stem.

表皮和产蜜组织细胞均具泌蜜功能。Cells of both nectariferous tissue and epidermis are secreting cells.

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表皮组织是由皮肤细胞的多层搭接层构成。The epidermis is made up of several overlapping layers of skin cells.

你的皮肤由两层构成,被称为表皮和真皮。Your skin consists of two layers known as the epidermis and the dermis.

你的皮肤是由被称为表皮和真皮的两层组成。Your skin is composed of two layers known as the epidermis and the dermis.

但表皮和皮层细胞直到根毛区才高度液泡化。But the more vacuolation of epidermis and cortex appeared in root-hair region.

它特有的恶性细胞称为偑吉特细胞,存在于上皮中。Characteristic malignant cells called Paget cells are present in the epidermis.

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真皮中的弹性纤维一旦老化,表皮就会塌陷,形成皱纹。In once the dermis elastic fiber gets older, the epidermis can cave in, goffering.

乳突组织是由心皮边缘和顶端分生组织的表皮细胞及表皮下的几层细胞分裂发育而来的。The papilla tissue is from the cells of epidermis of apex and the edges of carpel.

表、真皮分界明显,真皮胶原纤维束细而疏。It had epidermis and dermis separately, which collagen bundle were thin by histology.