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绵羊有一层卷曲柔软的厚毛。A sheep has a thick woolly coat.

起诉书也写得含糊不清、语无伦次。The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.

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天变冷了,你最好穿件毛衣。It's getting cold. You'd better put on a woolly.

他的外套是暗色的的,穿了一件羊毛套衫。His clothes were dark and he wore a woolly jumper.

这是一只完全成年的小彩蝠,仅重4到5克。This is a fully grown woolly bat, Kerivoula lanosa.

他戴著一顶上头有一个小红球的毛帽。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

十二件布匹、四条绯红色头巾、六顶帽子。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

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尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears.

伍德正舒服地穿着件羊毛晨衣。Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown.

粗茸刃背猪进场时上面有三个寒冰指示物。Woolly Razorback comes into play with three ice counters on it.

每当粗茸刃背猪阻挡时,从其上移去一个寒冰指示物。Whenever Woolly Razorback blocks, remove an ice counter from it.

隔壁的年轻人昨晚举行聚会,吵得要命。The young people next door had a wild and woolly party last night!

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羊毛和粗,负鼠通常用于轮船和男子的大衣。Woolly and coarse, opossum is often used for liners and men's coats.

每当冬天,奶奶总要戴那顶灰色的绒线帽去上街。When winter comes, Granny used to go out with her gray woolly hat on.

吉登斯和劳森一样认为绿色运动的思想十分混乱。Giddens joins Lawson in dismissing this thinking as wretchedly woolly.

我认为占卜课好象糊里糊涂的,有许多地方是靠猜的,要是你问我的话。I think Divination seems very woolly . A lot of guesswork, if you ask me.

该底漆是稠密的,从一两英寸深,含油和茫然。The undercoat is dense, from one to two inches in depth, oily and woolly.

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外层披毛中等长度,直或略呈波浪状,决不能卷曲或呈羊毛质。The outer coat is medium length, straight and wiry , never curly or woolly.

想想,背上背着一个刚学步的小孩去追赶捕捉一头长毛象是件多么不容易的事。It ain’t easy chasing a woolly mammoth with a toddler strapped to your back.

再往上看就是一片清澈的天空,大朵大朵羊毛般的云团一动不动地吊在上面。and beyond that great woolly clouds floated almost motionless in a clear sky.