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另一种伎俩,以打消光明白天拉窗帘!Another trick to quash bright daylight-pull the curtains!

申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bind-over order.

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迈克尔•杰克逊遗产公司已要求撤回早前对奥克斯曼有关该档案的传票。Jackson's estate had sought to quash subpoenas that Oxman issued for the files.

在巴林,沙特领导的一次军事干预行动帮助平息了3月份的示威运动。In Bahrain, a Saudi-led military intervention helped quash the protests in March.

兰帕德并没有澄清关于他将要转会国米的“谣传”。Frank Lampard has refused to quash rumours linking him with a summer move to Internazionale.

一种观点坚持认为叛乱是军事威胁,首要任务是武力镇压。One view holds that the rebels are a military threat and the priority is to quash them by force.

美国媒体公司否认与伍兹达成妥协交易、撤掉了伍兹的照片。American Media Inc. denies there was any deal to quash photos of Mr. Woods in a compromising situation.

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阿纳金相信原力就是绝地的一件工具,为了铲除邪恶,随时都可以使用。Anakin believed the Force to be a tool at a Jedi's disposal, to be used whenever possible in attempt to quash evil.

大卫•席尔瓦正试图打消有关他可能将离开英国并打道回国的传言。David Silva has moved to quash talk that he is unsettled in England and looking for a return to his native country.

后者的去刺激措施,可能会把前者的鼓励就业的效果给严重抵消。The destimulating effects of the latter will probably more than quash the job-creating impulse encouraged by the former.

如果蓝鹰要消除“危机说”,他们就要避免在冬歇期之前再丢分。If the Biancocelesti are to quash any talks of 'crisis' then they cannot afford to drop anymore points before the Winter break.

这样的利率对于一个经济快速发展的国家而言是太低了,但是也没有人认为银行会大幅提高利率,因为这会造成通货膨胀。Rates are still too low for such a fast-growing economy, but few expect the bank to lift rates aggressively to quash inflation.

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周四早间,查韦斯要国家电视台粉碎之前的报道,说自己现在正在享用今天的第一杯咖啡。Early Thursday, Mr. Chavez called state television to quash the report, saying he was enjoying his first cup of coffee of the day.

这种乐观情绪持续到2007年,那时生产率放缓的迹象协助抑止乐观的看法,房市荣景也随之转差.The optimism continued until 2007, when evidence of a slowdown in productivity helped quash the rosy view and with it the housing boom.

莱斯特大学研究人员的该项突破性进展导致该药问世前就阻碍了跟压力有关的情况。The breakthrough by researchers at Leicester University could lead to pills that quash such stress-related conditions before they arise.

今晚,1万6千名警察出动驻守在伦敦各个街区以镇压伦敦几十年来最严重的骚乱。Tonight, some 16, 000 police officers will be deployed to London's streets in an effort to quash the worst unrest in the city in decades.

维拉尔·米尔声称只要他当选新的主席,他很有希望请到温格来掌舵银河战舰,但阿森纳主教练今天采取行动驳斥了这一说法。Villar Mir claimed he was hopeful of bringing Wenger to the club if he was elected president, but Wenger has moved to quash the speculation.

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2008年,杨致远二次担任雅虎CEO期间,他曾试图转移这样一种看法,即他对雅虎的个人依恋令他拒绝微软的提议。In 2008 when Mr. Yang was in his second CEO stint, he deflected suggestions he had let his personal attachment to Yahoo quash the offer from Microsoft.

保持身体里德水分可以减少食欲,这样对那些要减肥或者要保持身材的人来说是有利的。Keeping up with your hydration helps quash appetite, which is good for those who are trying to lose some pounds or maintain a healthy weight, she said.

他说,“我们当时只是在抗议住宅区电力不足问题。”他还督促有关当局撤销立案。"Our crime is that we had protested against non-availability of electricity in our locality, " he said and urged authorities concerned to quash the FIR.