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尽量坦率而直接的回答问题,避免掺杂过多情感。Answer them candidly and matter-of- factly, avoiding sentimentality.

刚才的介绍我愧不敢当,坦白说,我都差点不认识自己了。That introduction was so generous that candidly I didn't recognize myself.

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在竞选中,奥巴马从未坦诚地讨论过移民的问题。During the campaign Obama never candidly discussed the subject of immigration.

成都业之峰装饰工程有限责任公司市场部经理刘皓坦陈。Chengdu industry peak of decoration Marketing Co. , Ltd. LIU Hao manager candidly.

在整个讨论过程中大家坦诚相见,互相鼓励。Everybody met each other candidly and encouraged each other in the entirely course of discussing.

政协委员对中国日报的记者坦率说到,全球经济危机对中国的影响十分严重。The global crisis is hurting the country badly, CPPCC members told China Daily reporters candidly.

然而,洛莉能如此坦白地把自己爱情故事中的遗憾写出来,我认为是一件非常有意义的事。Yet I think Gottlieb has done something important in writing so candidly about her own romantic regrets.

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他在这部作品中坦诚地表示,青少年时期他在实行蓄奴制的南方属于顺民。Here he candidly admits that as a child and young man he was a conforming member of the slave-holding South.

荆木春坦言,每一次发射前是他最为紧张的时刻。Jing said candidly the time before each launch was his tensest moment when he had butterflies in his stomach.

权相佑很坦率地回答了许多以前未有涉及的问题,也率直地表现出对自己如今所处位置的满意。Kwon chats candidly and answers some never-before-asked questions revealing that he is proud of where he is today.

与对方一起直面这个问题,坦率地讨论你可能怀有的质疑,婉转地说出你想表达的意思。Face the issue with the other party and discuss whatever challenges you may have candidly. Say what you mean politely.

在他们谈话的时候,他有时会很愉快地谈起他的家庭,他的公司,以及他童年的时光。During their conversations, he sometimes spoke candidly about his family, his company, and his childhood, Fischer says.

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方便面的这种方便和快捷性能使其他加热方便主食,只能甘拜下风。Such convenience of instant noodles and fast performance makes other heating staple convenience only candidly admit defeat.

我希望能和彼此能互相尊重,坦诚相待,保持浪漫情调的有缘分的女人成为好友。I hope and mutually respect each other, treat each other candidly and maintain romantic aura of the fate of the women become friends.

他向调查人员坦承,确实有有组织的帮派在突尼西亚与义大利之间活动,走私非法移民。He candidly admitted to investigators that there are indeed some organized gangs smuggling illegal immigrants between Tunisia and Italy.

我今天再用我诚诚实实的这种心,来向你们各位坦坦白白地说一说这个〈楞严咒〉的妙用。It is inconceivable. Today I'm using a very honest mind to candidly tell all of you about the wonderful effects of the Shurangama Mantra.

据警方突审,犯罪嫌疑人刘赘衡对制造长沙“7•30”爆炸案的犯罪事实供认不讳。According to the sudden check by the police. The suspect Liuzuiheng candidly confessed his crime on making the "7.30" bombings. At present.

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她还坦率地承认,按执法人员的要求去做可能危及她和她家人的生命。She also candidly acknowledged that complying with the law enforcement demands could endanger her life, and the lives of her family members.

杰米-卡拉格坦率地谈了他的赛季初的状态以及他的竞技能力证明他仍然是英超的顶级后卫。Jamie Carragher has spoken candidly about hisearly season form and his battle to prove he's still one of the topdefenders in British football.

只有在法律教授的假设里,机构才会坦率地宣称,它正在毫无理由地引起一场环境灾难!Only in law professors' hypotheticals does the agency candidly announce that it is planning to cause an environmental disaster for no good reason!