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老太太颤巍巍地走出屋来。The old lady came tottering out of the room.

宜将剩勇追穷寇。With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.

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风雨飘摇中的川剧事业似乎后继有人。The tottering cause of Sichuan Opera seems to have successors.

如同毁坏歪斜的墙,将倒的壁,要到几时呢?Would all of you throw him down- this leaning wall, this tottering fence?

一个秋日的黄昏,村前的土路上,蹒跚着走来一位陌生的老婆婆。An autumn dusk saw a granny tottering along the dirt road leading to the village.

你清晨出来再院子里玩耍,你跑的摇摇晃晃贴贴撞撞。You have come out in the morning to play in the courtyard, tottering and tumbling as you run.

他那苍老的声音尖厉、颤抖,仿佛那声音是按船上的绞盘棒定的音,而且定音时嗓子喊破了。In the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars.

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她歪歪倒倒地被马丁扶到一张椅子上坐下,在那里瞪大眼望着他。Martin guided her tottering footsteps to a chair, from where she watched him with bulging eyes.

在我们动荡和不稳定的世界上,现在正处在危急关头,不能再次犯同样的错误。There is too much at stake, right now, in our turbulent and tottering world, to make the same mistakes yet again.

巴希达蹒跚地走来走去点蜡烛,但屋子里仍然很昏暗,更不用说有多脏了。Bathilda was tottering around the place lighting candles, but it was still very dark, not to mention extremely dirty.

2008年的金融危机已过去3年,而全球经济正在蹒跚在二次衰退的边缘。Three years on from the 2008 financial crisis, the world economy is tottering on the brink of another serious downturn.

他已经策划进行巡回的复出演唱会,从而恢复他的公众形象并支撑他那危机重重的财政。He had been engineering a comeback tour in an effort to rehabilitate his public image and bolster his tottering finances.

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他回想起刚才比赛时,桑德尔摇摇欲坠,快要失败的那一刻。He remembered back into the fight to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering on the hair-line balance of defeat.

杰克逊一直筹备着自己复出的巡回演唱会,希望借此来重塑个人公众形象,同时缓解财务危机。Jackson had been engineering a comeback tour, an effort to rehabilitate his public image and bolster his tottering finances.

他们听到浩浩的圣咏、震撼人心的铜管赞美诗——却看不出它们正在调性倾颓的深渊边上步履蹒跚。They heard mighty Chorales , overwhelming brass hymns – but failed to see them tottering at an abyss of tonal deterioration.

沐小小宛若即将枯萎的花朵一般,整个人都摇摇欲坠。Bathe small Yuan whether ambition presently the blossom shriveling away is common, the entire individual is always tottering.

杰克逊一直在策划复出巡演,他想努力重塑自己的公众形象并解决自己的财务危机。Jackson had been engineering a come-back tour, an effort to rehabilitate his public image and bolster his tottering finances.

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底特律州的汽车巨头已经到了停业的边缘,随时可能倒闭,使得上百万工人因之失业。The titans of Detroit were tottering on the brink of liquidation, threatening to collapse and take more than a million jobs with them.

在你年轻和精力充沛的时候努力工作吧,因为年老体衰很快会攫取住你---奥维德,古罗马诗人。Labor while you are young and in the prime of your strength, for soon enough a tottering old age will creep upon you---Ovid, Roman poet.

他低着脑袋,踌躇不决,慢慢儿一步一步穿过房间,好象是要离开,但更象是要死去。He traversed the chamber with slow steps, with bowed head, tottering and more like a dying man than like one merely taking his departure.