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新时期是我国戏曲繁荣发展的阶段。In New Era, traditional opera develops prosperously in our country.

唐朝是我国封建经济繁荣发展的时期。The Tang Dynasty is a period in which Chinese feudal economy developed prosperously.

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一个旅人在路旁看到许多盛开的鲜花,他一边走一边采。A traveler saw many flowers blooming prosperously and picked all the way as he walked.

合唱起源于西方,而近年来亦在国内蓬勃发展。Singing in chorus starts from the West and has become prosperously developed in recent years.

乡村旅游以乡村性为最大的卖点而蓬勃发展。As the biggest selling point, the feature of rurality make rural tourism be developing prosperously.

一份耕耘,一份收获。“飞旺”正以踏实,稳健的精神树立着自己的品牌。Does farm work, a harvest. "Flies prosperously " by steadfast, the steady spirit is setting up own brand.

当你有天打开这满满是古怪创意的盒子,你会马上知道我还在,而且还是活得疯疯颠颠,好好旳。And when you open this strangely inspired box, you know that this lunatic still exists and lives prosperously.

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清初顺治康熙年间,江南地区天主教传教事业尤为发达。During Early Qing, the Shunzhi and Kangxi eras, the Christianity spread prosperously in many areas in Jiangnan.

于是,在多重因素的作用下,电视法制节目走向了繁荣。Therefore, under the multiple factor's functions, the television legal system program moved toward prosperously.

“一流的质量、合理的价格、完善的服务”是鑫萌源人永远的追求。People's eternal pursuit of source that"first-class quality, rational price, service of perfection"sprout prosperously.

“一流的质量、合理的价格、完善的服务”是鑫萌源人永远的追求。People's eternal pursuit of source that"first-class quality, rational price, service of perfection"sprout prosperously.

其"花神"地位对后世阿斗寨地方花卉产业发展的影响至今犹存。The "flower god" affected a lot in developing flower industry prosperously for the later generations in the Adou Villege.

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多样性的地域文化,形成了各异的绘画风格,同时也发展和繁荣了中国画。The diversity of regional culture has moded the different painting styles and also made Chinese painting develop prosperously.

旅游业作为一个日益蓬勃发展的产业,竞争越来越激烈。With tourism industry as an increasingly prosperously developed industry, competition in tourism industry is gradually drastic.

曾听过一位哲人讲的故事。一个旅人在路旁看到许多盛开的鲜花,他一边走一边采。I have ever heard of a story told by a philosopher. A traveler saw many flowers blooming prosperously and picked all the way as he walked.

王俊作品是一种童话式的寓言气氛,像梦,奇迹的能量在睁大的瞳孔中繁殖。Wang Jun's works create a certain kind of fable atmosphere like fairytales. The power of miracle grows prosperously in the images' wide-open eyes.

“三农”问题的解决与否成为中国社会主义和谐、繁荣、稳定的新农村建设成功与否的关键。The solution of"three agricultural problem"becomes China's socialism harmony, prosperously and stable key of the successful new rural reconstruction.

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热情欢迎国内外新老客户前来参观指导,精诚合作,共创繁荣。The enthusiasm welcome the domestic and foreign new old customers to come to visit instructs, the absolute sincerity cooperation, creates prosperously.

在全球提倡多元文化教育的时代背景下,民间艺术与儿童社会化进行着成功的对话。While multi-cultural education is advocated in the whole world, dialogue between folk art and children's socialization is carrying through prosperously.

产品远销欧美市场,得到了众多用户的好评,成为刀具行业一支异军突起的新生力量。The company has prosperously grown to a group of new force, of whose products are well received by numerous users and the enterprise owns a good prestige.