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这次地震的震央是在南澳东方十九点六公里处。Its epicenter was 19.6 km east of Nanao.

震中距克赖斯特彻奇市56公里。The epicenter was 56 km from Christchurch.

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中国是高尔夫领域的中心。China is the epicenter of the golf universe.

震中在伯斯尼城西南98km的位置。The epicenter was 98km southwest of the town of Pasni.

滴水湖是这个中央区域的风景和生态中心。Dishui Lake is a landscape and ecological epicenter of the area.

震中距智利首都圣地亚哥市约590公里。From the Chilean capital of Santiago, the epicenter about 590 km.

这里是"基地"组织从事极端主义暴力活动的中心。This is the epicenter of violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda.

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康塞普西翁是离地震震央最近的城市。Concepcion was the city closest to the epicenter of the earthquake.

这次地震的震中果然又一次位于福岛核电站的附近。The quake's epicenter is, again, right near the nuclear power complex.

但如今,巴西的这个州已经成为全球毁林的中心。But today, this Brazilian state is a global epicenter of deforestation.

震中在风景如画建于中世纪的炮台山镇拉奎拉。The epicenter was in L'Aquila, a picturesque, medi, fortress hill town.

除一人外,其他死亡患者都在疾病爆发的中心地墨西哥。All but one of the deaths were in Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak.

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某地与震中的距离叫震中距。With a certain distance from the epicenter of the call from the epicenter.

这一信息比仅仅确定震中的位置要有价值得多。This information is much more valuable than merely pinpointing the quake epicenter.

他来自四川省的绵阳市,位于地震震中的东北方向。He is from the city of Mianyang in Sichuan, northeast of the earthquake’s epicenter.

但是,作为中国最富有也是最耀眼的城市,上海正处于房地产繁荣的中心。But Shanghai, China’s wealthiest and most dazzling city, is the epicenter of the boom.

该震源位于宫城县沿岸深度约40公里处。The epicenter was about 40 kilometers under the sea off the coast of Miyagi prefecture.

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根据美国地质勘探局报告,这次的震中位于尤里卡西北偏西方向47英里。The earthquake's epicenter was 47 miles west-northwest of Eureka, according to the U. S.

价格标签带来的震撼开始从汽车经销商的展示厅转移到轮胎店。The epicenter of sticker shock is moving from the car dealer's showroom to the tire shop.

通往震中汶川的道路被震落的碎石堵住了。Roads to Wenchuan Conuty, epicenter of the quake, were blocked by fallen rocks and debris.