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受害比率。Victimization ratio.

将每一段“受害者”的记忆重写成一部英雄冒险吧。Rewrite every memory of your own victimization as a hero's adventure.

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这会降低你的能量也会让你引来更多受害的经验。This lowers your energies, and has you attract more experiences of victimization.

受财产欺负与外部拉制有正相关。Victimization of property bullying is positively correlated with average external control.

一旦受侵害成为了一个人的身份标识,灾难故事将永不终结。Once victimization becomes a part of a person’s identity, the disaster story may never end.

这是这类看似牺牲和大灾难的思想是怎样甚至在今天也显化的过程,至爱的人类。This is how such seeming victimization and catastrophes manifest even in present time beloved.

甚至没有绝对令人惊恐的创造物类如一场大型的灭绝是一种牺牲的类型。Not even the most horrendous of creations such as a mass annihilation, is a form of victimization.

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被害预防是一种以被害人或潜在被害人为视角的犯罪预防。The aim of victimization prevention is to prevent the potential victims from being assassinated wi.

各成员国应禁止和惩处以任何形式对提出投诉的海员进行迫害的行为。Each Member shall prohibit and penalize any kind of victimization of a seafarer for filing a complaint.

可能牺牲的思想形态大于其他任何导致你相信自己无能为力的思想形态。It is perhaps the thought form of victimization more than any other that leads to beliefs in powerlessness.

我们可以重新开始,它返回地面和宽容几天的牺牲。Psychically renewed, we could then return aboveground and put up with another couple of days of victimization.

共病的精神疾病与物质滥用列第九,接着是近期被侵害。Co-occurring mental illness and substance use was ninth on the list, followed by victimization in the past year.

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简而言之,对柏拉图的信徒而言,大众的无能和饱受欺凌或多或少是个永久现象。For Platonists, in short, the incompetence and victimization of the masses are a more or less permanent condition.

性取向和性身份带来的受害和受歧视的历史同样导致了糟糕的健康状况。Histories of victimization and discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity also contribute to poor health.

西方哲学家们近来对发生在非西方文化中妇女遭受到的迫害给予了相当的关注。Western philosophers have recently devoted considerable attention to the perceived victimization of women by Non-western cultures.

研究报告者M正在做一个受害本身过程能从一个人传到另一个人的联系。Investigative reporter M was making the association that the victimization process itself could be propagated from person to person.

在女作家笔下,女性的疾病成了受害的隐喻,女性的疾病与女性的角色冲突、与女性性别紧密联系了起来。In female writers'works female diseases become the metaphor victimization conflict with female roles and in close contact with female sex.

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在20世纪初,中国将苦难史作为一个主题,并使它成为其不断发展的集体认同的一个基本元素。In the early 20th century China took up its victimization as a theme and made it a fundamental element in its evolving collective identity.

其他令人担忧的研究结果显示,女性酗酒与遭到性侵害和家庭暴力有着相互关联。Other worrisome results show a correlation between heavy drinking among women and their rate of sexual victimization and domestic5 violence.

这个计划是此类计划中最早提出来的,它是正在兴起的叫做受害者研究的自然延伸产物.The initiative, one of the first of its kind in the U.S., is the natural extension of a burgeoning field of study called victimization research.