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那儿的音乐性质是粗砺刺耳的。There the music is cacophonous in nature.

这座城市过于繁华喧闹,不太可能进行重要的谈话。And the city is just too cacophonous for meaningful conversation.

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开罗在1976年只有9百万居民,到了2006年却容纳了行行色色的1亿8百万人。Cairo burgeoned from 9m souls in 1976 to a cacophonous 18m in 2006.

由43门大炮和迫击炮射出的弹幕,伴随着噪杂声向桑特堡扑来。A cacophonous barrage erupted, as 43 guns and mortars opened up on Sumter.

正如他们所预期的,在隔音箱里长大的鸟鸣唱出来的是粗腔横调。As expected, birds raised in soundproof boxes grew up to sing cacophonous songs.

穆奥在这座嘈杂的小镇中度过了一段时光,当地的商人们出售的商品种类繁多应有尽有。Mouhot spent time in this cacophonous town, where traders sold all manner of goods.

印度教从平静的个人祷告到粗腔横调的公共节日都采用了许多形式。Hinduism takes many forms from serene private prayer to cacophonous public festival.

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她对自己品牌如此的警惕,很难保证在动荡噪杂的媒体市场取得成功。Such vigilance about her brand is hardly a guarantee of success in the volatile and cacophonous media market.

当它进入我体内,我听到像汽笛风琴一样嘈杂的声音,觉得爆竹在我颅内引燃。When it reached mine, I heard cacophonous music like a calliope and felt as if Roman candles had been lighted inside my skull.

最为世界上人口密度最高的国家,埃及不堪重负,这些造就了这里复杂的人口、建筑以及嘈杂的交通环境。She's overburdened with one of the world's highest population densities, which makes for a seething mass of people, buildings and cacophonous traffic.

在美国闹哄哄的异常活跃的民主制度中,这意味着各种行动和冒险行为趋于自我调节,至少一些年内会是如此。In America's cacophonous and hyper-active democracy, this means that actions and adventures tend to be self-regulating, at least over a period of years.

就像夏甲所提到的,多数组织运行的环境已经由和谐互助转变为矛盾重重。The setting in which most organizations operate has shifted, as Hagar notes, from harmonious and supportive to becoming much more cacophonous and contentious.

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在北京的大学区域,一位售书商说新年的前一夜和往常一样吵闹,但是新年的随后几夜及其安静。A bookseller in the city 's university district says that new year 's eve sounded as cacophonous as usual, but the nights leading up to it were unusually quiet.