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滚开,你这地狱之鸟!嘘!Begone, you infernal avian! Shoo!

不要发出那种讨厌的闹声!Don' t make that infernal noise !

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让我们值得的地狱王国。Make us worthy to the infernal kingdom.

有三大地狱般上帝的权力。There are three great infernal God powers.

说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

撒旦在这个地狱里统治了太长时间。Satan has reigned too long in this infernal realm.

你这个无法无天的流氓,好大胆子,竟敢跟我说这种话。You infernal scoundrel , how dare you tell me that?

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那小子又打口哨吹起他那些该死的曲儿来了。Now, that boy is again whistling his infernal melodies.

招换末日守卫和招换地狱火不再需要媒介。Summon Doomguard and Summon Infernal no longer require reagents.

如果你爱益智解题,我打赌你会爱上无间道。If you love puzzle-solving, I bet you will love Infernal Affairs.

带上那恶魔般的东西走,我不允许把它放在我的船上。And take that infernal thing with you, I will not have it on my ship!

就在他们跳着恶魔之舞的时候,所有的恶灵都崩溃坍塌了。While they dance The Infernal Dance, mayhem ensues until they all collapse.

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我深知默多克森这婆娘是个坏透了的女人,可是我想她喜欢过我。I knew this woman Murdockson was an infernal hag , but I thought she loved me.

狱火之门已经就绪,最终胜利唾手可得。The infernal gate has been prepared, while the time of our final victory is at hand.

你中了什么魔了,总是不停地用那对凶眼睛瞪我?What fiend possesses you to stare back at me, continually, with those infernal eyes?

传言说术士们与恶魔合伙,并且利用它们的地狱火军队。It was rumored that the Warlocks consorted with demons and drew on their infernal powers.

说一点天上的一元论,千万别谈地狱的二元论。Put in something about the Supernal Oneness. Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

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那是最佳的表现,当我们很自然想要摆脱炼狱一般的烦恼,如佛洛伊德所说。That is what is best when one wants, naturally, to get out of this infernal business, as Freud called it.

虽然我在进入地狱之门以前就拿过它,但我相信只有你才能进行这个决定性的任务。Although I picked it up before entering the Infernal Gate, I believe you should carry out this crucial mission.

而且,那是地狱里才有的风气——珍爱我们的耳朵是魔鬼式的狂妄,——我们没有耳朵,也够像驴子的啦。Besides, it's infernal affectation--devilish conceit it is, to cherish our ears--we're asses enough without them.