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好莱坞计分法。Hollywood Scoring.

我住在好莱坞。I live in Hollywood.

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谢谢你,好莱坞。Thank you, Hollywood.

现在我住在好莱坞。I now live in Hollywood.

好莱坞式的爱情。It's a Hollywood romance.

好棒喔!我们要去好莱坞了。Yeah!We're going to Hollywood.

这是好莱坞的桥段。This is the stuff of Hollywood.

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她把自己出卖给了好莱坞。She whored herself to Hollywood.

这并非是好莱坞首创This is not Hollywood invention.

那简直就是好莱坞式的。It was straight out of Hollywood.

好莱坞没有明白人。Nobody in Hollywood knows anything.

住在好莱坞是什么感觉呀?What is it like living in Hollywood?

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你最喜欢的好莱坞明星是谁?Who is your favorite Hollywood star?

在好莱坞山上,一栋三层的大厦。A tri-level mansion, Hollywood Hills.

不过也许我们能帮你进入好莱坞。But maybe we can get you to Hollywood.

好莱坞似乎也正有此意。Hollywood seems equally eager to do so.

这就是绝不老气的旧式好莱坞。It's Old Hollywood without looking old.

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身价走低好莱坞大牌明星还值多少钱?Star Salaries Coming Down in Hollywood?

和旧时好莱坞的名流们一起参加社交聚会。Partied with the cream of Old Hollywood.

人们对好莱坞有一些刻板印象。There are some stereotypes on Hollywood.