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不过马蒂和弗兰西斯·福特·弗兰克·昆丁又是另一回事了。Marty and Francis Ford. Frank.

雷雨欲来的天气让我忧郁。Often, when it rains, Marty feels blue.

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你好,我能和马蒂•比克曼说话吗?Hi, could I speak with Marty Bickman, please?

马帝在火场中试图保持镇静。Marty tried to keep his head during the fire.

马蒂·巴戎是这个时代最伟大的记者之一。Marty Baron is one of the great journalists of this era.

马蒂?朱尼尔和他的妻子住在一个讨厌的荒凉地区。Marty Junior lives in the goddam desert with that wife of his.

马蒂·朱尼尔和他那胖胖的妻子住在一个讨厌的荒凉地区。Marty Junior lives in the goddam desert with that fat wife of his.

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如果是在岗恩伯,我相信马蒂也会这么做。When in Gone Ember, you know. I believe Marty would act thusly too.

现在他不见了,佛瑞德认为他离家出走了。Now he had disappeared and Fred thought Marty had run away from home.

马蒂太棒了─他毫不含糊地揍了那些光头仔。Marty was terrific — he just waded into the skinheads without a thought.

佛瑞德劝说马蒂要做个勇敢的人,像个男子汉一样去看牙医。Fred convinced Marty that he had to be brave and go to the dentist's like a man.

你好,我叫马蒂·菲尔丁,我猜想你可能会说我是“百万分之一”。Hi, my name is Marty Fielding and I guess you could say I am "one in a million".

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两人到达尼克修理厂时,发现马蒂正和其他男孩玩耍。When the two men arrived at Nick's they found Marty playing with some other boys.

马蒂最终同意了,但是要求佛瑞德和他一起去,给他鼓气。Marty finally agreed, but only if Fred would go there with him to give him courage.

马特在房间内来回看了看,发现屋内非常整洁,简直可以算上完美。Marty looks around the room and sees that it isin a perfect order, spotless, clean.

新共和杂志社的马蒂宣称,“不骗你,我们现在都是以色列人”。" The New Republic's Marty Peretz declared, I kid you not, "We are all Israelis now.

马蒂用一块铁制的炉门挡住了布福德的子弹,并将他击昏在地。Marty uses a steel door to a furnace as a bullet-proof shield, and knocks Buford out.

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它还指控马蒂是为塞尔维亚卖命,该指控在科索沃民众中广为接受。It has accused Mr Marty of working on behalf of Serbia, a claim many Kosovars will believe.

马蒂开着德罗宁跑车试图逃走,结果却被意外地传送到了1955年11月5日。Marty attempts to escape in the DeLorean but is accidentally transported back to November 5, 1955.

因此他邀请了一些非洲裔美国人,他们可以帮忙认识白宫的一个朋友,马迪内斯比特。So he invited a group of African Americans who might help to the house of a friend, Marty Nesbitt.