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那些底线是你们没有办法让步的?Are those bottom lines are you concessional without method?

若是碰上硬梆梆的卖家,一点也不让步,她就觉得“买得不爽”。If touch, go up of hard rat-tat rat-tat sell the home, concessional not at all, she feels " buy accurate ".

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中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。China would keep offering developing countries with some concessional loans and favorable loans for foreign buyers.

这些资金附带的大部分优惠条件都符合西方对官方发展援助的定义。Much of the financing is on concessional terms that would meet the Western definition of official development assistance.

世界银行自二十世纪七十年代中期以来利用政府表现评估作为分配优惠资金资源的依据。The World Bank has used performance assessments of governments as a basis for allocating concessional resources since the mid-1970s.

在双边框架内向中葡论坛的亚非与会国提供16亿元人民币的优惠贷款。Second, provide 1.6 billion RMB yuan in concessional loans under the bilateral framework to the Asian and African members of the Forum.

对于IDA这个世界上最贫困国家的最大优惠金融援助渠道来说,这一数字标志着一个新的历史纪录。The figures mark an historic high for IDA, which is the largest single source of concessional financial assistance for the world's poorest countries.

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中国在遭受国际金融危机冲击、自身面临不少困难的情况下,信守诺言,全面落实北京峰会的承诺,对非援助规模翻了一番,免除33国168笔债务已近尾声,总计50亿美元的优惠性质贷款近期将全部到位,首期10亿美元的中非发展基金如期启动。The plan to cancel 168 debts owed by 33 African countries is near completion. The 5 billion U.S. dollars of concessional loans will be fully in place soon.

我们应认真履行20国集团伦敦峰会的承诺,向低收入国家和贫困国家提供援助和优惠融资。We should fulfill the commitment made at the G-20 London Summit in real earnest and provide assistance and concessional financing to low-income and poor countries.

今后中国将继续向发展中国家提供一定规模的优惠贷款和优惠出口买方信贷融资支持。China will continue to extend financing support of a certain scale to developing countries in the form of concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit.

由于政府安居房以优惠价格发售,带有一定的政府福利性质,因此购租对象有较为严格的条件限制。Since the government at concessional prices Anjufang sale, a certain degree of government welfare nature, and therefore have more stringent targets to buy rental constraints.

中国进出口银行作为中国政府指定的对外优惠贷款的唯一承贷行,主要业务分布在43个发展中国家和地区。As the sole provider of Government Concessional Loan appointed by the Chinese government , The Export-Import Bank of China maintains its GCL operations in 43 developing economies.

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世界银行集团将与今天在座的各联合国机构一起努力,查明需求最大的国家,这样我们就能和其他机构一起提供优惠资金和其他支持。The World Bank Group will work with the UN agencies represented here to identify countries most in need so that, with others, we can provide concessional financing and other support.

目前,世行也在通过其优惠贷款机构国际开发协会致力于将适应气候变化工作纳入无息贷款和赠款项目。The World Bank is also working to fully integrate climate change adaptation into zero-interest loans and grants from its concessional lending arm, the International Development Association.

中国进出口银行作为中国政府指定的对外优惠贷款的唯一承贷行,业务主要分布在发展中国家和地区。Being the sole provider of Chinese Government Concessional Loan as appointed by the Chinese Government, China Eximbank mainly conducts this business in other developing countries and regions.

孟加拉时世界银行优惠贷款机构国际开发协会第三大借款国,也是世界上人口最稠密的国家之一。Bangladesh, the third-largest borrower of funds from the Bank’s concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

政府通过优惠条件提供留用地,留用地隐含的地价是对征地补偿的补充,表现为留用地开发经营带来的长期收益或就业岗位。Government through concessional terms to land in land premium for land acquisition compensation implied complement to the performance of land development in the long run bring receipts or jobs.

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提高能效和发展可再生能源增加了成本和风险,所以需要大量的优惠融资,技术转让和能力建设也很需要。Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.

决议案还敦促有关国家和国际金融机构不向伊朗提供新的赠款、金融援助和优惠贷款,除非是用于人道援助和发展目的。It calls on nations and international financial institutions to refrain from providing new grants, financial assistance and concessional loans to Iran except for humanitarian and development purposes.