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“这是下流的敲竹杠的企图,”匹克威克先生说。It's a vile attempt to extort money, " said Mr. Pickwick."

但是我不相信朝鲜可以用它来敲诈任何东西。But I don't see how North Korea can use it to extort anything.

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余利带着军统站的人到商铺里去敲诈钱财,很成功。A person with juntong station to the shops to extort money, very successful.

他们只是索取,而一个倒霉的客人的隐私会被隐藏的相机在酒店房间。They just extort while an unlucky guest's privacy get caught by the hidden camera in the hotelroom.

因此,利用债务上限要挟获取政治上的让步是在美国政治上出现的一种新情况。So the use of the debt ceiling to extort political concessions is something new in American politics.

你不应该跟在一个记者后面,仅仅因为他们购买了偷来的专利,然后试图敲诈你’。You shouldn’t go after a journalist just because they bought stolen property and tried to extort you.

星仔试图在一个叫“猪笼城寨”的地方对居民敲诈,却不知道他们个个身怀绝技。Sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals, but the neighbors are not what they appear.

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公司拖延进度,因此他们才能从政府那讹钱来在最后时刻加快工作进度。Companies stall so that they can extort cash from the government in the waning hours to finish the job quickly.

而现在,有很多诈骗团伙一乞讨的名义勒索钱财,让人们不再像以前一样相信乞丐。And now, there are many fraud gangs extort money in the name of begging so that people do not trust beggars as before.

那些贩卖补贴粮食的办事员每个月都要向政府的巡视员缴纳月供,这种勒索手段在当地尽人皆知。Government inspectors, for example, are known to extort monthly payments from the clerks who sell the subsidized grain.

很少有攻击是为了敲诈或骗取公司财产。In a few rare cases, these individuals have even been known to perform attacks to extort a company or defraud it of money.

多年来,他想尽办法勒索外汇,石油和其他好处然后暂时消停,但到头来却更变本加厉。For years hehasmanaged to extort cash, oil and other goodiesforthen quietening down, only to behave evenmorethreateningly next time.

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而朝鲜的另一个从获取韩国外汇的渠道——跨界旅游和合办工厂项目——去年则没有取得任何进展。Talks on cross-border tourism and factories, another means for Pyongyang to extort hard currency from the south, have made no progress.

他被警方屈打成招,当这条新闻向大众公开的时候,全国都震惊了。He was tortured by police in order to extort a guilty confession and when news of this was made public, it astounded the entire country.

但是邪恶的国师为强取王位和想将风铃除掉,因此龙神勇士们和国师展开了斗争。But the evil national division wants to extort the kingship and kill Ling , so the holy dragon warriors fight with the national division.

越来越多的黑客变得专业,并加入有组织的犯罪,从受害者中偷窃数据,勒索,洗钱。More and more hackers are going professional and joining with organized crime to steal data and extort and launder money from their victims.

后者的意思是把征税的权利下放给地方精英,那些人然后就随意从广大的百姓身上搜刮钱财。The latter meant the devolution of tax collection to local elites, who were then free to extort and bully payments from the wider population.

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市内数栋建筑因遭到涉及勒索钱财的爆炸威胁而紧急疏散,警方封锁了附近区域。Several buildings for the city was an explosion involving threats to extort money for emergency evacuation, the police sealed off the surrounding area.

维纳斯说,这两位警察局长是奉命上车调查本月前些时候在这条高速路上发生的持枪抢劫旅客钱财事件的。Vinas said the marshals were deployed on regional buses plying the same highway after gunmen early this month held up a bus to extort money from passengers.

朝鲜本可以通过放弃核武器计划来获得韩国、美国和日本的资金支持,但是它最终放弃了。The North was once able to use promises to scrap its nuclear-weapon programmes as a means to extort hard currency from South Korea, America and Japan. No more.