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你要去电影首映会吗?Are you going to the movie premiere?

特别是首映会很宏大。And especially this premiere was huge.

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这也是我们的鲜血首映混合系统。This is also the première of our blood-mix system.

我们来决定这次电影首映会的宾客名单吧。Let's decide on the guest list for the movie premiere.

这份妇女杂志预计明天首次出版。The women's magazine is scheduled to premiere tomorrow.

你感觉第二季的首映比起第一季来如何?How do you feel about the Season 2 premiere vs. Season 1?

那位著名的明星出现在那部电影的首映日。The famous star made an appearance at the movie premiere.

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扬·阿瑟斯·伯特兰先生的短片“森林”首映式Premiere of Mr.Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s short film “FOREST”

在举行试映会及VIP首映会同一家的电影院所举办的。It was the same theater where press & VIP premiere was held.

它是技术之一的首演中智库世界。It. s one of the premiere technology think tanks in the world.

三段新编芭蕾舞将在演出中首演。The performance will include the premiere of three new ballets.

会在莱斯特广场上演电影巨作的首映式。There's a film premiere for some big movie in Leicester Square.

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我想邀请你一起去看首映礼。And I'm thinking of inviting you along for the opening premiere.

预计改编后的歌剧版将于2013年春季举行首演。It is slated to premiere during City Opera's 2013 spring season.

现在,加上「大西洋帝国」的首播,他们已经有三齣相关的影集了。Now, with the premiere of Boardwalk Empire last week, they have 3.

我想那是我见过的一次最大的首映会了。那太壮观了。I think it's the biggest premiere I've ever been to. It was amazing.

多谢你的魔法书和出席我的电影首影!Thank you 25MH for the Magic Books and for coming to my movie premiere !

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我们不知道洛杉矶首映后的实际票房会有多少。We didn't know what the exact turn-out at the LA premiere was going to be.

他最近的这些成就已经使他成为墨西哥的头牌拳手。His recent accomplishments have established him as Mexico's premiere fighter.

但冰冻三尺'喜欢它是30年前,在斯波坎首演星球大战。But it wasn't like it was 30 years earlier, at the Spokane premiere of Star Wars.