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在被送到屠宰场宰杀前,这匹马死了。She died before she could be killed at the slaughterhouse.

新发地市场的猪肉来自13个定点屠宰场。The new fat from the pork market to 13 fixed-point slaughterhouse.

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它们有权利走进屠宰场,并且砰的一下就结束掉。They have a right to go into a slaughterhouse and, bang, it’s done.

布奇和圣丹现在生活在一个动物庇护所,他们再不用害怕被送到屠宰场。They now live in an animal sanctuary where they need never again fear the slaughterhouse.

印尼一家屠宰场一天生产满满一仓库的血蟒皮。A day's work at an Indonesian slaughterhouse yields a warehouse full of blood-python skins.

罗干辛苦和肮脏工作来谋生,比如在屠场搬肉。Rufino earns some money doing hard and dirty work, such as moving meat around a slaughterhouse.

监管者们之所以担忧是因为那些药物在屠宰场的检测中已经被发现。Regulators are concerned because some of those other drugs have been showing up in the slaughterhouse testing.

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这是当地最大的一个门诺教共同体,人数将近四千,是巴拉圭最大的肉类和牛奶出口商之一,拥有全国最大的屠宰场。The co-operative is one of Paraguay's largest meat and milk exporters and owns the country's biggest slaughterhouse.

即使屠宰场隐密的藏在几百里外的地方,你只要吃了肉就等于是共犯的行为。Even if the slaughterhouse is concealed in the hundreds of miles, as long as you eat meat is tantamount to complicity.

山谷变成了屠宰场,但更为重型、数量更多的气垫坦克占了上风,将敌军大潮一寸一寸地顶回。The valley was a slaughterhouse , but the heavier and more numerous Hovertanks began pushing back the tide inch by inch.

在极端气候中被运输数百阴里,通常没有饮食的到屠宰场。Cattle are transported hundreds of miles in all weather extremes, typically without food or water, to the slaughterhouse.

每年,联邦检验机构都会在数百头被送往屠宰场的奶牛体内检测到抗生素超标的违法事件。Each year, federal inspectors find illegal levels of antibiotics in hundreds of older dairy cows bound for the slaughterhouse.

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而且,即使从屠宰场到炼油厂再到汽车整个过程测量排放,可再生柴油依然是一种低碳燃料。And renewable diesel is a low-carbon fuel even when its emissions are measured from the slaughterhouse to the refinery to the vehicle.

而且,即使从屠宰场到炼油厂再到汽车整个过程测量排放,可再生柴油依然是一种低碳燃料。And, renewable diesel is a low-carbon fuel, even when its emissions are measured from the slaughterhouse to the refinery to the vehicle.

这种交叉感染的源头可能是屠宰场,因此,要强制遵守严格的控制制度。One source of such cross contamination can be the slaughterhouse and it is therefore mandatory to observe a stringent regime of control.

因此,某些职业群体,如牧民、农民、屠宰工人和兽医,感染风险较高。Certain occupational groups such as herders, farmers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians are therefore at higher risk of infection.

屠宰房外,年轻女人们正用长长的木棍,搅拌一个热气腾腾的巨大钢槽中无头火鸡的尸体。Outside the slaughterhouse , young women with long wooden poles stir headless turkey carcasses in a large steel trough of steaming water.

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活体采卵和屠宰场采卵的优质卵母细胞数和囊胚率差异显著。There was significant difference on recovered high quality oocytes and blastocyst rate between from ovum pick-up and from slaughterhouse.

在内层保护区,只能在室内饲养家禽,家禽不得被运往别处,除非是被直接送进屠宰场。Inside the smaller protection zone, poultry must be kept indoors and its movement is banned except transport directly to a slaughterhouse.

叶轮与魁北克一家主要加工猪脚的公司协作,并且计划在北方开一个新的屠宰场与纳多竞争。Westco teamed up with the Quebec-based Olymel in 2008, and the companies plan to open a slaughterhouse in the north to compete with Nadeau.