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帕特做个鬼脸。Pat made a face.

帕特没说话。Pat said nothing.

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这就是帕特·格兰登。This was Pat Glendon.

你能听到轻轻的拍击声吗?Could you hear the pat?

帕特和我心里都明白。Pat knew and I knew it.

拍拍自己的胸膛。Pat yourself on the back.

帕特好多年都没开车了。Pat hadn’t driven in years.

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我保证帕特怀疑了。I'm sure Pat was suspicious.

NPR新闻,帕特·杜金斯报道。For NPR News, I'm Pat Duggins.

帕特问,我已经喜欢上她了。Pat asked. I liked her already.

给你自己的快马加一鞭。Give yourself a Pat on the back.

给我放些派特·赛门最近灌制的唱片。Play me Pat Simon's latest disc.

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每个轻拍背膀,每一个拥抱every pat on the back, every hug

他毫无希望地单恋着帕特。He's hopelessly in love with Pat.

轻轻拍击后背是一种失去的艺术。The pat on the back is a lost art.

然后用干净的毛巾轻拍到干了。Then pat it dry with a clean towel.

轻拍某人的背---干的不错!Pat someone on the back---Well done.

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你可以在农家庭院里逗逗奶牛。You can pat the cow in the farmyard.

这是你的巧克力奶油冰激凌,派特。Here's your chocolate ice cream, Pat.

派特医生不在这儿行医了.Dr. Pat is no longer in practice here.