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大家都被这紧张的气氛搞得透不过气来。The tense atmosphere made everybody suffocate.

如果你还留在座位上,他说,你就窒息了。If you stayed seated, he said, you'd suffocate.

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因此金本位只会让经济窒息。It is held that this can only suffocate economies.

降落的火山灰能闷死植物,毒害牲畜。Ashfalls can suffocate plants and poison livestock.

你是想用那讨厌的气味把我们窒息死吧?。Are you trying to suffocate us with that putrid smell?

结果只会是,再一次的致命--你会窒息死。The outcome is, once again, deadly. You will suffocate.

我不能这样待着,我会消散或窒息或——“妈妈!I can't stay like this, I'll dissipate or suffocate or—"Mom!

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在夜间尚能忍受这种高温,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。The heat is tolerable at night but suffocate during the day.

税收会窒息人口数量日益缩小的年轻工人。Taxes will suffocate the dwindling population of young workers.

在山顶你会感到呼吸困难,可是这时你千万不要停下脚步。You will feel to suffocate at the top of the peak,but you never stop.

观念的转变的迟缓会窒息法律的生命力。The delay of exchange of ideas will suffocate the vitalities of the law.

在床上放满枕头,多得都能把老人窒息。Covering beds in enough pillows to suffocate an entire old people's home.

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氧含量降低或窒息其它生物,或迫其逃离。Drops in oxygen levels then suffocate other organisms or drive them away.

韶光逐步,回想又那么繁重,我经常以为活得很梗塞。The year slowly, and memory that heavy, I often feel live very suffocate.

地狱黏胶陷阱会让黏著的动物慢慢的缺水或窒息而死。Gruesome glue traps cause animals to slowly dehydrate or suffocate to death.

你没有必要恢复单身,单身的状态只能阻碍你的个人成长。You don’t “need” to be single, being single will only suffocate your personal growth.

没有这至关重要的交换过程,我们的细胞就会迅速地死去,我们的躯体也会窒息。Without this vital exchange our cells would quickly die and leave the body to suffocate.

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“噩梦”这个词原指魔鬼企图让睡眠中的人们陷入窒息。The term “nightmare” originally applied to demons that sought to suffocate their sleeping prey.

来自拉丁语的单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangleand suffocate everything you write.

来自拉丁语的单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write.