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阿诺德是我见过的最笨的人。Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

阿诺德是我见过的非常笨的人。Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.

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阿诺德没有参与LS9的工作。Arnold was not involved in the LS9 work.

这位是我的同事,阿诺德·兰登先生。This is my colleague , Mr Arnold Landon.

阿诺德?汤因比曾经说,一切进步。Arnold Toynbee has said that all progress.

阿诺德意味深长地看了艾尔玛一眼。Arnold directed a meaningful look at Irma.

其中一个记者和阿诺德撞了个满怀。One of the reporters cannoned into Arnold.

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她给阿诺德先生带来一把花。She brought a handful flowers to Mr. Arnold.

阿诺德可是个最纯净--最有礼的人。Arnold was the whitest and the smoothest man.

阿诺德先生分发手册给每个人。Mr. Arnold handed out the handbooks to everyone.

查尔斯。地址?中镇,阿诺德路15号。B. Charles. Address?15 Arnold Road, in Middletown.

教授僵尸学的是阿诺德布隆伯格。The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.

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其中就有埃诺德.克莱因,他住在贝佛莉山庄时的皮肤病医生。One was Arnold Klein, his Beverly Hills dermatologist.

这得耗费许多政治资本,而阿诺有。It takes tremendous political capital, which Arnold had.

之前,这个计算机是AJ,Arnold公司所有的。Before, this computer was owned by the AJ Arnold Company.

不过,前州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格两年前曾否决了一个相似的议案。Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill two years ago.

阿诺德可是个最纯净--最有礼的人。Then a poor man, whose name was arnold winkelried, stepped out.

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热带昆虫学家阿诺德·范豪斯也定居在这里。It is also home to a tropical entomologist named Arnold van Huis.

警察赶到后阿诺德先生移交了行动指挥权。The police came and Mr. Arnold handed over command of the action.

现年64岁的阿诺·施瓦辛格,可谓一生传奇。At the age of 64, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is the life of legendary.