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棍状TNT炸药被用作雷管。TNT sticks are used as detonators.

是我们共同完成的,也是tnt电台的一部分。We allare doing it together, and TNT is part of that.

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百万吨级是一个用于描述一百万吨TNT炸药的术语。A megaton is a term used to describe one million tons of TNT.

那么你如何才能训练它们,使得它们对TNT炸药的反应与对花粉的反应一样呢?So how do you train them to respond to TNT the way they respond to pollen?

浇铸阿马托比浇铸梯恩梯较易爆炸。Amatols in the form of cast charges detonate more readily than TNT in the same form.

补锌在一定程度上能拮抗TNT对大鼠的生殖毒性。Supplement with zinc had antagonism against male reproductive toxicity induced by TNT.

TNT和RDX废水都是毒性有机物,对人体和动植物均有严重危害。Both TNT and RDX wastewaters contain toxic organics, being great harm to human, animals and plants.

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没有核销单TNT也无法对货物进行单独报关。TNT limited cargo insured value no more than USD600 when cargo do not need single customs clearance.

TNT从接获委讬到安排运输、保险及关务手续,仅花10天。TNT was only given 10 days from the order to organise transportation, insurance and customs formalities.

估计那次爆炸的威力相当于一千到一千五百万吨TNT——足以摧毁一座大城市。The blast has been estimated at equivalent to 10-15 million tons of TNT – enough to destroy a large city.

2010年,科尔作为TNT直播的一员见证了勒布朗-詹姆斯回到克里夫兰的一幕,观众们群情激昂。In 2010, Kerr was part of the TNT broadcast of LeBron James' return to Cleveland. That crowd was emotional.

结果表明,与梯黑炸药相比,含NTO的TNT基熔铸炸药,具有较好的强度和低易损性能。The incorporation of NTO in TNT fillings shows a significant on low vulnerability and mechanical properties.

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卫星数据显示爆炸威力相当于1千吨TNT炸药。Satellite data suggested that the impact explosion had kicked out the energy equivalent of one kiloton of TNT.

核弹的爆炸威力通常是以千吨计,亦即释放出相当于千吨黄色炸药的能量。Nuclear explosions are measured in kilotons , an energy release equivalent to that of thousands of tons of TNT.

本文用落锤法测得了温度对TNT炸药撞击感度的影响。The influence of temperature on impact sensitivity of TNT explosive has been obtained by use of drop hammer method.

最后,这场比赛有趣的几个问题是,为什么TNT会选择这样的一场比赛作为他这个周末的重头戏。In the end, the only real question about this game was why TNT picked it to show as part of its weekly doubleheader.

在那些赛季里,期待球队夺下69场胜利已成为ESPN和TNT记者们心目中最遥不可及的事情。The squad, which earned 69 victories over those seasons, was the farthest thing from ESPN and TNT programmers' minds.

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裂变核弹能释放出最多50万吨TNT化学炸药的当量。Fission bombs can release an amount of energy up to the equivalent of about 500,000 tons of the explosive chemical TNT.

喀拉喀托火山的爆发是6级,相当于2亿吨的TNT,至少是沙皇炸弹的3倍。Krakatoa, rated 6 on the VEI, was equivalent to about 200 megatons of TNT – at least three times as much as Tsar Bomba.

本文研究了这样的问题,并也研究了当柱形装药与壳体间留有间隙的情况。Such a problem was investigated, and the gap effect between metal shell and bare TNT cylinder was also analyzed in CSSRC.