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他只屈身于利润之前。He bent solely upon profit.

所以我仅凭思想内容给分。so they're graded solely on content.

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我是飘泊的狐身。I am a lonely fox wondering solely around.

这个营地是单独由女人经营的。The camp site is maintained solely by women.

我们所有的纵队全是由老战士组成。All our columns are composed solely of old soldiers.

一个人的力量总是有限的,不能包打天下。Some problems cannot be tackled solely on one's own.

这座城市几乎完全靠旅游业维持。The town depends almost solely on the tourist trade.

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他妻子去年作古了。如今他一私人住。His wife died a year previously. Now he lives solely.

我不认为这完全是由于被左手。I don't think this is solely due to being lefthanded.

在Drupal5中,.info文件仅适用于模块。In version 5, .info files were used solely for modules.

认为她的成功完全仅仅是因为有财富是不公平的。Attribution of her success solely to wealth is not fair.

此消息完全是为了指定的收件人。This message is intended solely for the named addressee.

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翁和蔡都各自为中国市场生产。Weng and Cai both produce solely for the Chinese market.

她的工作纯粹是治疗卡扎菲和他的庞大家族。Her job was solely to treat Gadhafi and his large family.

而在葡萄品种上则纯粹只有黑皮诺和夏多纳。Our grape varieties are solely Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

内容存储库应该由独自的文件系统组成。A content repository could consist solely of a file system.

繁育新品种曾经是园丁专有的一门手艺。Breeding was once a craft belonging solely to the gardener.

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超越提供这些链接的目的仅在于向您提供方便。KOE is providing such links solely as a convenience to you.

DMV的数据也并非仅用于与开车有关的事情。Nor is DMV data used solely for matters related to driving.

当然,奥迪布里切特的这项计划并不纯粹是为他人做嫁衣。Odebrecht's initiative is not solely altruistic, of course.