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你可以留下5角钱。You can keep five jiao.

俺也是焦作哩。I am also from Jiao Zuo.

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曾经,你绝对娇媚。Once, you absolutely Jiao Mei.

娇颜疼痛盼春暖。Jiao ngan pain wish spring warm.

之后,我知道了他叫孙膑。After that, I know he Jiao Sun Bin.

角和元分行记下。Ninety yuan, six jiao and five fen.

直视幻蛟我以为你是明白这点的!Watches Jiao I thought you realize this!

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现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job.

弯弯的小船悠悠,是那童年的阿娇。The crescent boat's floating, a virgin Ah Jiao in it.

但是焦裕禄没能活着到他的计划开花结果。But Jiao Yulu didn't live to see his plans bear fruit.

其实这就是他阴谋的狡偿处。In fact this is the place of Jiao Chang of his scheme.

焦作市哪里有业余足球训练的球队?Where Jiao Zuo City team having amateur football training?

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正如折柳掩前红,娇滴深显浅。As the cover off before the red Liu, Jiao drops deep simple.

饺子看起来像金元宝,意味来年丰衣足食。Jiao Zi looks like gold coin, implying a wealthy year ahead.

把宋交流成第一,把宋吉换成第十。Switch Song Jiao to the first place, and rank Song Ji tenth.

把宋郊换成第一,把宋祁换成第十。Switch Song Jiao to the first place, and rank Song Qi tenth.

四轮四角的设计让奔奔看起来十分敦实。Four round four jiao designs let rush look like very stockily.

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盛唐的意蕴,经典与时尚交辉,华丽主诠释华夏婚礼新文化。The implications of Tang Dynasty, classic and fashion Jiao Hui.

言谈间,石娇发现张保仔对娣妹有意思。Speak, stone jiao found cheung Po ts ai coming on to her sister.

如果中国厦门大学的焦念志是对的话,这种缺失确实令人担忧。But if Jiao Nianzhi of Xiamen University in China is right, it is.