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我当然自惭形秽了。Of course I had a sense of inferiority.

一方的伟大暗示着另一方的渺小。Greatness of one implicates inferiority of another.

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你有受自卑感或是优越感的折磨吗?Do you suffer from inferiority or superiority complex?

因此藉着那,我们不应该发展一种自卑感。So with that, we should not develop an inferiority complex.

生活,却不会说英语,产生自卑心理。Life, but do not speak English, resulting in inferiority complex.

这些在先权与相应的在后权可能会发生冲突。Such priority rights may be in conflicts with inferiority rights.

一个团体的低等真的能作为被奴役的借口吗?Would the inferiority of one group really justify enslaving them?

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不知如何把自卑处理,便胡乱投弃到他人身上。We don't know how to deal with the inferiority and jettison to others.

他对各种描写的低劣性都抱以傲慢、讽刺和毫不保留爱憎分明的态度。Eg. He was proud, sardonic, and harsh to inferiority of every description.

自卑心是最伤害自己的,是最大的障碍。An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle.

目前的悲观情绪可以部分归咎于历史的经济自卑感。The current pessimism is part of a historical economic inferiority complex.

这意味着心胸狭窄、卑微低下和很多艰难困苦。All of these indicates narrow-hearted, inferiority and many other hardships.

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他为弥补自己的自卑感而装出傲慢的样子。He seems arrogant because he overcompensates for his feeling of inferiority.

我作为初一英语班的学生自愧不如。I feel ashamed of one's inferiority as the first day English only class student.

自卑心最伤害自己,是最大的障碍。Inferiority complex heart most hurt themselves, is one of the biggest obstacles.

复兴俄罗斯的感情混合着一种根深蒂固的自卑感。Russi a's sense of resurgence is mixed with a deeply rooted inferiority complex.

这个层次的需求失衡会导致低自尊或自卑情结。Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem or an inferiority complex.

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这种自卑情结让矮个子男人过分激进,欲盖弥彰。That`s an inferiority complex where short men overcompensate by being aggressive.

这种优势或劣势,是主动或被动的客观基矗。Such superiority or inferiority is the objective basis of initiative or passivity.

正视自卑心理,把自信作为人生成功的第一秘决。Face inferiority mentality, the confidence as the first secretary to success in life.