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我有一床百衲被。I have a patchwork quilt.

一个幻想的无缝错落有致。A Seamless Patchwork Of Fantasy.

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甚至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!Even the old patchwork quilt is the same!

城市是个巨大的东拼西凑的现实。The city is a huge patchwork of realities.

乃至这条旧的百衲被罩也是一样!Even the old patchwork quilt is the sherewoulse!

一个月前就预告过的拼布包包二号。This patchwork bag was mentioned one month earlier.

整体排列错落有致缝隙宽窄适中。Moderate the overall arrangement of patchwork gap width.

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采用拼缀技术制作手工织品。Hand-made textile goods in patchwork application techniques.

惊人的错落有致,装饰这个奇妙的长袖外套。Amazing patchwork decorates this fantastic long sleeve jacket.

墙纸拼缝是不准确、没有扯裂现象。Wallpaper patchwork is not accurate, there is no tear phenomenon.

她把新布初到那件旧上衣上,所以那件衣服看上去就象拼凑起来的东西。She patched new cloth to the old coat, so it seemed mere patchwork.

事实上,这种批量化的集成很可能导致严重后果。In fact, such patchwork machine integration can have dire consequences.

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结果形成了不均一的板层结构的骨的不协调嵌合体。The result is a patchwork mosaic of bone without an even lamellar structure.

在他们的下方,一层棉花般的云彩之下,分布着一块块绿色的方形地块。Below them, through a cottony veil of clouds, was a patchwork of green squares.

把玩这些变量因素,你会拼凑出居住地板图。Play these variables on top of each other and you have a patchwork of habitats.

但可以肯定的是,关键问题之一是很多银行用的是拼凑而成的IT系统。But certainly one of the key issues is that many banks have patchwork IT systems.

斯奎布人已经发展出一种先进的远程空间拼接母船技术。The Squibs have developed an advanced technology of space-faring patchwork momships.

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下面的全景尽收眼底,场地,森林,峡谷和岩石拼凑着往外延伸数英里。The panorama below, a patchwork of field, forest, valley, and rock, stretched for miles.

我在就职演说中指出,我们百衲而成的传统是一种优势,而非劣势。In my inaugural address I said that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.

20岁的麦莉把舞台中心让给了准丈夫,但身穿拼接裙的她看起来依然可爱动人。Miley, 20, let her husband-to-be take centre stage but still looked lovely in a patchwork dress.