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皮球睡着了。Ball falls asleep.

我是指睡着的事。I mean falling asleep.

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我绝对不能睡着。I must not fall asleep.

猎场看守人睡着了。The gamekeeper is asleep.

他打着呵欠睡着了。He yawned and fell asleep.

不,我的灵魂没睡着。No, my soul is not asleep.

莱丝莉,你睡着了?。Hey Leslie, are you asleep?

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我早上冲澡的时候睡着了。I fell asleep in the shower.

出纳员又睡去了。The cashier fell asleep again.

后来我就伏在桌上睡着了。Then Ifell asleep on the desk.

他很粗鲁,我半睡半醒的。He was rude, I was half asleep.

我假装仍是睡着了。I pretended to still be asleep.

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你在装睡啊!You're pretending to be asleep.

夜晚,他们都躺下睡熟了。At night, they fell fast asleep.

你经常睇睇下电视无意中�著左。I often fall asleep watching TV.

约翰做礼拜时老睡觉。John will fall asleep in church.

安睡在炮口里。Asleep inside the cannon's mouth.

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抱着我旋转直到我睡着。Spin me around til I fell asleep.

奥罗拉当然还是睡着了。Sure enough, Aurora falls asleep.

然后我倒在她身上睡去了。Then I fell asleep on top of her.