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喝汤时,千万不要发出响声。Never slurp your soup loudly.

她啧地从杯子里喝了一口。She took a slurp from her mug.

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吃面时“滋滋”出声是“完全”没有问题的。It is "perfectly" okay to slurp when you eat noodles.

我不喜欢你吃面条时的“嗤喽”声。I don't like the way you slurp noisily when you eat noodles.

按日本的习惯,在进食如喝汤时,要发出啧啧的赞扬声。It is Japanese custom to slurp while you eat foods such as soup.

永远不要大声地喝汤或嘬汤。喝汤的时候要小口地、安静地。Never sip or slurp your tea or soup loudly. Take small, quiet little mouthfuls.

在越南的河内,津津有味地品尝一碗热腾腾的牛肉河粉。Slurp up a bowl of steaming hot Pho, a tangy beef noodle soup, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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因此不管你的脑子到底有没有被冷冻,只要你能忍得住,尽管吃吧!So whether your brain is frozen or not, if you can handle a little pain, slurp away.

今天中国的母亲告诉他们的小孩——把你的面条都吸溜干净,美国还有一堆人吃不上饭呢。Today China mothers tell there kids – Slurp all your noodles, there are starving people in America.

不要在乎餐桌礼仪,嘴里塞满食物时尽可以说话、打嗝。Don't worry about table manors. Talk with your mouth full of food. Burp. Slurp your tea as loud as you can.

晚上,他们聚集在一起大吃垃圾食品,偷看隔壁公寓里的女人。They gather in the evenings to slurp down junk food and peep at a woman in the neighboring apartment tower.

吃东西和喝汤的时候别发出声音,如果这些习惯很难改变的话,诚实的告诉对方。Don’t eat noisily or slurp while drinking. If these habits prove difficult to change, be open and honest about it.

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1989年在大阪主商业街道顿堀一间小店外,顾客们哧溜哧溜的吃完一碗碗拉面。Customers slurp down bowls of ramen noodles outside a shop in Dotonbori, the main commercial street in Osaka, in 1989.

大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。We know you love Cesc's DNA, and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets, but please do not mention it, his head or his heart.

当你离开或者跟陌生人公用一张餐桌时,你可能会享受到高音屏幕的粤语话剧。You might get to enjoy a Cantonese drama blaring off screens while you slurp away and possibly have to share a table with strangers.

每一个印度市场上都堆满了一箱箱的芒果,饥饿的印第安人无论身在何处,都会欣喜若狂地一边切芒果一边吃的啧啧有声。Every Indian bazaar is stacked with crates and crates them, and hungry Indians everywhere slice and slurp their way to mango ecstasy.

为了填饱它们巨大的身躯,鲸在解剖学上进化出的几个显著特征使得它们能够在进食的时候吞入大量的含有各种食物的海水。To nourish their great bulk, the whales have evolved several anatomical features that allow them to slurp in great volumes of prey-laden water when they feed.

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不要错过广场的点睛之笔—欢乐泉。那里的鸽子文雅地依次小心翼翼地沿滑滑的喷嘴而下,咕唧咕唧地喝上一口水。Don't miss the Fountain of Joy at the square's high point, with its pigeons politely waiting their turn to gingerly tightrope down slippery snouts to slurp a drink.

然而,为了打破吃面条会让他们带来坏运气,因此,如果您要用面来庆祝你的成功,那么一定要完整的把它吃完而不能把它咬断!However, breaking the noodles while eating them is bad luck, so if you’re making them for your celebration, be sure to slurp them up instead of biting off smaller pieces.

舌尖绕着风滚草圈了两圈,然后猛得将其拉起来,往模仿树残桩里的进食口拖去,啜食者正是隐藏了里面。Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed, jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed.